var isLoadedCartPage = false; function apo_MiniCart() { AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price = [ { total_price: ".product-item-price .product-item-price-final", total_compare: "", price: "", }, // Dawn { total_price: ".cart-item__totals span.price.price--end", total_compare: ".cart-item__totals s.cart-item__old-price", price: ".cart-item__details .product-option.cart-item__final-price,.cart-item__details > div.product-option", price_compare: ".cart-item__details .product-option.cart-item__old-price", }, // ecomify-lite { total_price: ".product-item-price-final", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Flow 39.2.0 { total_price: ".ajaxcart-item__price > span", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Ella { total_price: ".cart-collateral span.price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Stiletto { total_price: ".quick-cart__item-price-wrapper span.quick-cart__item-price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, //ella-6-7-0 { total_price: ".previewCartItem-content .previewCartItem-price", total_compare: "", price: ".previewCartItem-content .previewCartItem-price span[data-item-final-price-display]", price_compare: "", }, // Cornerstone 1.2.3 { total_price: ".quick-cart__item-price-wrapper span.quick-cart__item-price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Combine-Cooee5Sep2024-Rev2-DO NOT EDIT!!! { total_price: ".cart-item__price strong", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Shopflo X Swatantra { total_price: ".product-cart__price .product-cart__price-value span.price > span", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Wokiee { total_price: ".tt-price.totalPriceOfItemElementTPO", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, //Ecomus { total_price: "", total_compare: "", price: ".hdt-mini-cart__price hdt-price span.hdt-money", price_compare: "", }, // Glozin { total_price: ".minicart__item-prices .text-color-original-price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Broadcast { total_price: ".cart__item .cart__price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Reformation { total_price: ".product-cart-item .product-cart-item-price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Official site { total_price: "div.cart_subtotal_drawer p", total_compare: "", price: ".cart-drawer .product-price .price-item--sale", price_compare: "", }, // Fashionopolism { total_price: "div[data-cart-item-price] dl[data-cart-item-price-list] div[data-cart-item-regular-price-group] dd[data-cart-item-regular-price]", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Prestige 10.4.0 { total_price: "line-item.line-item .line-item-info price-list.price-list sale-price.text-subdued", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Human After All | Changes { total_price: ".cart-item-price-unit div.yv-prizebox span.yv-product-price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Ascent { total_price: "td.cart-item-totals .cart-item-total-price b.price.price--end", total_compare: "", price: "td.cart-item-details .cart-item-price .original-price small", price_compare: "", }, { total_price: "div.t4s-cart_meta_price div.t4s-cart_price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, { total_price: " div.price-holder span.price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, { total_price: ".cart-item__total.price .price__current", total_compare: "", price: ".cart-drawer__content .cart-item__details .price__current", price_compare: "", }, { total_price: "span[x-html='formatMoney(item.final_line_price)']", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Copy of Live_Revamp(06-07-24)-customize { total_price: "", total_compare: "", price: "div.previewCartItem-price span.price span[data-price-from-compare] span.discounted-price span", price_compare: "div.previewCartItem-price span.price span[data-price-from-compare] s.before-discount-price span", }, ]; AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price_cartpage = [ // Dawn { total_price: ".cart-item__totals dd.price.price--end, .cart-item__totals span.price.price--end", total_compare: ".cart-item__totals s.cart-item__old-price", price: ".cart-item__details .product-option.cart-item__final-price,.cart-item__details > div.product-option", price_compare: ".cart-item__details .product-option.cart-item__old-price", }, // ecom { total_price: ".ecom-cart__product-item__totals .ecom-cart__product-price--end", total_compare: "", price: ".ecom-cart__product-prices .ecom-cart__product-price--end,.ecom-cart__product-prices span.ecom-cart__product-price--end", price_compare: ".ecom-cart__product-prices s.ecom-cart__product-item-price--end", }, // Symmetry 7.3.0 { total_price: ".cart-item__column.cart-item__total span.cart-item__selling-total", total_compare: "", price: ".cart-item__column.cart-item__price span.cart-item__selling-price", price_compare: "", }, // Flow 39.2.0 { total_price: "td.cart-total-label[data-label='Total'] span", total_compare: "", price: "td[data-label='Prix'] span", price_compare: "", }, // Ella { total_price: ".cart--price .price-box > span", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Vision 6.1.0 { total_price: "td.product-subtotal span.price span.amount", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Stiletto 3.2.2 { total_price: ".cart__form-item-price-wrapper .cart__form-item-price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // ella-6-7-0 { total_price: ".cart-item-total .cart-item-value", total_compare: "", price: ".cart-item-price .price--end", price_compare: "", }, // Minimog - OS 2.0 { total_price: ".m-cart-item__price .m-cart-item__price--regular", total_compare: "", price: ".m-cart-item__price--regular span[data-cart-item-original-price]", price_compare: "", }, // Cornerstone 1.2.3 { total_price: ".cart__form-item-price-wrapper span.cart__form-item-price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // Combine-Cooee5Sep2024-Rev2-DO NOT EDIT!!! { total_price: ".cart-item__total strong", total_compare: "", price: ".cart-item__price > div > :not(.visually-hidden)", price_compare: "", }, // Shella { total_price: ".apo-final-price .price", total_compare: "", price: ".apo-line-price .price", price_compare: "", }, // { total_price: ".cart__items__price .line__price", total_compare: "", price: ".cart__items__total", price_compare: "", }, // Wokiee { total_price: ".tt-price .ymq_item_price", total_compare: "", price: ".tt-price .ymq_item_line_price", price_compare: "", }, // Ecomus { total_price: ".hdt-cart-item__total hdt-price", total_compare: "", price: ".hdt-cart-item__price hdt-price", price_compare: "", }, // Glozin { total_price: ".cart-item__price-wrapper .product-option", total_compare: "", price: ".cart-item__price-wrapper .price.price--end", price_compare: "", }, // Broadcast { total_price: ".cart__item .cart__price", total_compare: "", price: "", price_compare: "", }, // 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`), n ); }, p = () => { let t = document.createElement("div"); return ( t.classList.add(avisCartOptionBackdropClass), t.setAttribute("style", "display:none!important"), t.addEventListener("click", i.bind(this)), t ); }; let productInfo = await AvisOptionsData.pluginAction.getProduct( cartItem.handle ); if (productInfo) { let e = a(), r = p(); document.body.appendChild(e), document.body.appendChild(r), e .querySelectorAll( ".avis-popupHeader-close, .avis-popupFooter-cancel" ) .forEach((t) => t.addEventListener("click", i.bind(this))); AvisOptionsData.priceMod.isEditOptionCart = true; let buttonSubmit = e.querySelector(".avis-popupFooter-submit"); buttonSubmit.setAttribute("product-id", `${}_cart`); buttonSubmit.addEventListener( "click", AvisOptionsData.submitEditOption ); let s = getElementByKeys("[data-avis-cart-popup-form]", "quickview"); if (s) { console.log("RenderOption"); AvisOptionsData.priceMod.cartItemEdit = cartItem; AvisOptionsData.priceMod.cartItemLineEdit = indexCartItem; 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if (elm) { result = elm; break; } } return result; } const addHandleEditCart = (lineItemSelector, cartItem, indexCartItem, lineItemKey) => { setTimeout(function () { let isCustom = window.ap_front_settings.shop_id === "64185073757" && lineItemKey?.quantity?.wrapper; if ( &&"_has_apo") && !lineItemSelector.querySelector(isCustom ? `.${classEditOption}_custom` : `.${classEditOption}`) ) { if (isCustom) { let i = document.createElement("button"); i.classList.add(`${classEditOption}_custom`), (i.innerHTML = ``), i && i.addEventListener( "click", initAvisCart.handleCartEditPopup.bind(this, cartItem, indexCartItem) ); let a = lineItemSelector.querySelector("quantity-popover .cart-item__quantity-wrapper"); if (a) a.appendChild(i); } else { let i = document.createElement("button"); i.classList.add(classEditOption), (i.innerHTML = `${txtEditOptions}`), i && i.addEventListener( "click", initAvisCart.handleCartEditPopup.bind(this, cartItem, indexCartItem) ); let a = lineItemSelector.querySelector(lineItemKey.details); if (a) a.appendChild(i); } } }, 500); }; function removeSpecialCharacter(o) { for (var t = o.split(""), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) switch (t[n]) { case "'": t[n] = t[n].replace("'", "\\'"); break; case '"': t[n] = t[n].replace('"', '\\"'); break; case "#": t[n] = t[n].replace("#", "#"); break; case "$": t[n] = t[n].replace("$", "$"); break; case "%": t[n] = t[n].replace("%", "%"); break; case "&": t[n] = t[n].replace("&", "&"); break; case "(": t[n] = t[n].replace("(", "("); break; case ")": t[n] = t[n].replace(")", ")"); break; case "*": t[n] = t[n].replace("*", "*"); break; case "+": t[n] = t[n].replace("+", "+"); break; case "/": t[n] = t[n].replace("/", "/"); break; case ":": t[n] = t[n].replace(":", ":"); break; case ";": t[n] = t[n].replace(";", ";"); break; case "<": t[n] = t[n].replace("<", "<"); break; case ">": t[n] = t[n].replace(">", ">"); break; case "=": t[n] = t[n].replace("=", "="); break; case "?": t[n] = t[n].replace("?", "?"); break; case "@": t[n] = t[n].replace("@", "@"); break; case "[": t[n] = t[n].replace("[", "["); break; case "]": t[n] = t[n].replace("]", "]"); break; case "^": t[n] = t[n].replace("^", "^"); break; case "`": t[n] = t[n].replace("`", "`"); break; case "{": t[n] = t[n].replace("{", "{"); break; case "|": t[n] = t[n].replace("|", "|"); break; case "}": t[n] = t[n].replace("}", "}"); break; case "~": t[n] = t[n].replace("~", "~"); break; default: t[n] = t[n]; } return t.join(""); } function apoFormatMoney(cents) { function formatWithDelimiters(number, precision, thousands, decimal) { thousands = thousands || ","; decimal = decimal || "."; if (isNaN(number) || number === null) { return 0; } number = (number / 100.0).toFixed(precision); var parts = number.split("."); var dollarsAmount = parts[0].replace( /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1" + thousands ); var centsAmount = parts[1] ? decimal + parts[1] : ""; return dollarsAmount + centsAmount; } function convertMoney(cents) { var value = ""; var placeholderRegex = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/; switch (apo_money_format.match(placeholderRegex)[1]) { case "amount": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2); break; case "amount_no_decimals": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0); break; case "amount_with_comma_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, ".", ","); break; case "amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ".", ","); break; case "amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, " "); break; case "amount_with_apostrophe_separator": value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, "'"); break; } return value; } if (typeof cents === "string") { cents = cents.replace(".", ""); } var value = convertMoney(cents); var placeholderRegex = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/; return apo_money_format.replace(placeholderRegex, value); } const getCartV2 = async (type) => fetch(`/cart.json?ap=${type}`) .then((t) => t.json()) .then((t) => t); window.apo_js_loaded.minicart = true; let isSetIntevalMiniCart = false; let isMonsterUpsell = false; let shopIdApo = window.ap_front_settings.shop_id; var joinAddChargeApo = window.ap_front_settings.joinAddCharge; let shopNotAppendCompare = ["72843493665"]; if (shopIdApo === "59437023322") { joinAddChargeApo = "||"; } if (window.AvisOptionsData?.mergePrice_miniCart) { AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price = window.AvisOptionsData.mergePrice_miniCart.concat(AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price); } if (window.AvisOptionsData?.mergePrice_cartPage) { AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price_cartpage = window.AvisOptionsData.mergePrice_cartPage.concat(AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price_cartpage); } const getCartJs = async () => fetch("/cart.js?avis", { method: "GET" }) .then((t) => t.json()) .then((t) => t); function apoMiniCart() { var listCartUpdate = {}; var apoMiniCartSelector = null; if (window.AvisOptionsData?.miniCartForm) { apoMiniCartSelector = document.querySelector(window.AvisOptionsData?.miniCartForm); if (window.AvisOptionsData?.miniCartForm_interval && !apoMiniCartSelector) return; isSetIntevalMiniCart = true; } if (!apoMiniCartSelector) { apoMiniCartSelector = document.querySelector("mini-cart") || document.querySelector("cart-drawer") || document.querySelector("#CartDrawer") || document.querySelector("#spro-cart-sidebar") || document.querySelector("sht-cart-drwr") || document.querySelector("sidebar-drawer#site-search-sidebar") || document.querySelector(".cart__drawer") || document.querySelector("#t4s-mini_cart") || document.querySelector(".popup.js-popup") || document.querySelector("#offcanvas-cart") || document.querySelector("drawer-component#Drawer-Cart") || document.querySelector(".js-mini-cart .js-mini-cart-content") || document.querySelector("cart-notification") || document.querySelector("#ajax-cart-drawer .side-drawer-content") || document.querySelector("#supercart") || document.querySelector(".right-drawer-vue") || document.querySelector(".drawer--cart") || document.querySelector("div[id*='quick-cart']") || document.querySelector(".quick-cart[data-section-type='quick-cart']") || document.querySelector(".site-header__drawers") || document.querySelector(".aside#cart"); 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} return t.json(); }) .then((t) => { if (shopIdApo === "62635311441") { return; } console.log("update carts", t); if (!t?.status) { if (shopIdApo === "84287947061" && window.theme?.miniCart) { window.theme?.miniCart?.updateElements(); window.theme?.miniCart?.generateCart(); setTimeout(function(){ window.theme?.miniCart?.updateElements(); window.theme?.miniCart?.generateCart(); }, 400); return true; } if (shopIdApo === "16867941") { try { Rebuy.SmartCart.skip_open = false; return true; }catch(e){} } if (shopIdApo === "79302132006") { window.location = window.location.href + ( &&"open-cart") > -1 ? "" : ( ? "&" : "?") + "open-cart"); return; } if (shopIdApo === "56047599658") { if (typeof apoMiniCartSelector.refresh === "function") { apoMiniCartSelector.refresh(); return; } } if (typeof apoMiniCartSelector.renderContents === "function") { apoMiniCartSelector.renderContents(t); apoMiniCartSelector.classList.toggle( "is-empty", t.item_count === 0 ); } else { if (shopIdApo === "55969448111") { document.documentElement.dispatchEvent( new Event("supercart:update") ); document.documentElement.dispatchEvent( new Event("supercart:open") ); return; } // Custom reload lại page khi change sp chính ở cart drawer if (shopIdApo === "69790695637" || shopIdApo === "65250099374" || shopIdApo === "65303412928" || shopIdApo === "87691559199" || shopIdApo === "89600098628" || shopIdApo === "26831880303") { window.location.reload(); return; } if ( window?.routes?.cart_url && window?.routes?.cart_url.indexOf(".js") === -1 ) window.location = window.routes.cart_url; else window.location.href = "/cart"; } } }) .catch((t) => { console.log("Error:", t); }); }; const handleCartUpdate = async (lineItemKey) => { let cart = await getCartV2("mini"); let cartItems = cart?.items; if (isMonsterUpsell && cartItems?.length > 0) cartItems = cartItems.filter( (x) => !x.product_type || x.product_type !== "Hide" ); let lineItemElems = apoMiniCartSelector.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.key); if (cartItems && cartItems.length > 0 && lineItemElems.length > 0) { if (isMonsterUpsell) newIndex = cartItems.length - 1; // Update price main product, show/hide quantity, remove addcharge function updateViewCartItem() { let listAddChargeUsed = {}; // Hide/ disable addcharge lineItemElems.forEach(async (lineItemSelector, index) => { let cartItem = isMonsterUpsell ? cartItems[newIndex - index] : cartItems[index]; (async (o, n) => { let orderId = ""; let isMainProduct = false, a = !1, apoVariants = !1; if (n?.properties && Object.keys( > 0) { if ("_apo_variants")) { isMainProduct = true; apoVariants =["_apo_variants"]; } else if ("_apo_added_by") ||"_apo_option") ) { a = !0; p =; } if ("_apo_order") && String(["_apo_order"]).indexOf("Added by:") === -1 ) { isMainProduct = true; orderId = String(["_apo_order"]); } } let s = lineItemKey.quantity.wrapper ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.wrapper) : [], inputSelector = lineItemKey.quantity.input ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.input) : [], c = lineItemKey.quantity.decrease ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.decrease) : [], l = lineItemKey.quantity.increase ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.increase) : [], u = lineItemKey.removeButton ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.removeButton) : []; let isHideQuantityInput = shopIdApo === "79163588941"; let isMergePrice = window?.BOOMR?.themeId === 168187789649; if ( AvisOptionsConfig.is_merge_ac_cart && isMainProduct && orderId ) { let qtyMainProd = n.quantity; let cartItemsAC = cartItems.filter( (x) => x?.properties?.hasOwnProperty("_apo_option") && x?.properties["_apo_order"].indexOf(orderId) > -1 ); // Check addcharge calculated cartItemsAC = cartItemsAC.filter( (x) => !listAddChargeUsed[x.key] || listAddChargeUsed[x.key] < x.quantity ); let listProduct = []; let productHandles = [n.handle]; cartItemsAC.forEach((x) => { productHandles.push(x.handle); }); if (shopIdApo === "16867941") { listProduct = await Promise.all( (handle) => { let productInfo = await getProduct(handle); if (productInfo) return productInfo; return null; }) ); } let findMainProduct = listProduct.find(x => x?.id === n.product_id); let mainComparePrice = 0; if (findMainProduct) { let findVariant = findMainProduct.variants.find(x => ===; if (findVariant) mainComparePrice = findVariant.compare_at_price; } let totalPriceAc = 0; let totalPriceCompareAc = 0; let itemPriceAc = 0; let itemPriceCompareAc = 0; let tempQtyAC = {}; cartItemsAC.forEach((x) => { let tempAC =["_apo_order"].split("*"); let qtyAc = tempAC.length > 1 ? parseInt(tempAC[tempAC.length - 1]) : 1; let findAcProduct = listProduct.find(e => e?.id === x.product_id); let acComparePrice = 0; if (findAcProduct) { let findVariant = findAcProduct.variants.find(e => ===; if (findVariant) acComparePrice = findVariant.compare_at_price; } if (qtyAc === 0) { listAddChargeUsed[x.key] += x.quantity; totalPriceAc += x.final_price * x.quantity; totalPriceCompareAc += (acComparePrice ? acComparePrice : x.price) * x.quantity; } else { let needQtyAc = qtyMainProd * qtyAc; let usedQtyAc = tempQtyAC[] ?? 0; let useQtyAc = needQtyAc - usedQtyAc; if (useQtyAc > 0) { if (x.quantity >= useQtyAc) { tempQtyAC[] = (tempQtyAC[] ?? 0) + useQtyAc; listAddChargeUsed[x.key] = (listAddChargeUsed[x.key] ?? 0) + useQtyAc; totalPriceAc += x.final_price * useQtyAc; totalPriceCompareAc += (acComparePrice ? acComparePrice : x.price) * useQtyAc; } else { tempQtyAC[] = (tempQtyAC[] ?? 0) + x.quantity; listAddChargeUsed[x.key] = (listAddChargeUsed[x.key] ?? 0) + x.quantity; totalPriceAc += x.final_price * x.quantity; totalPriceCompareAc += (acComparePrice ? acComparePrice : x.price) * x.quantity; } } } itemPriceAc += x.final_price * (qtyAc === 0 ? 1 : qtyAc); itemPriceCompareAc += (acComparePrice ? acComparePrice : x.price) * (qtyAc === 0 ? 1 : qtyAc); }); let totalPrice = totalPriceAc + n.line_price; let totalCompare = totalPriceCompareAc + (mainComparePrice ? mainComparePrice*n.quantity : n.original_line_price); let itemPrice = itemPriceAc + n.final_price; let itemPriceCompare = itemPriceCompareAc + (mainComparePrice > 0 ? mainComparePrice : n.price); for (let priceKey of AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price) { if (priceKey.total_price) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll( priceKey.total_price ); priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { let priceHtml = apoFormatMoney(totalPrice); if (itemKey.innerHTML !== priceHtml) itemKey.innerHTML = priceHtml; }); } if (!shopNotAppendCompare.includes(shopIdApo) && priceKey.total_compare) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll( priceKey.total_compare ); priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { if (shopIdApo === "59484930095" && itemKey.getAttribute("data-price")) { totalCompare = totalPriceCompareAc + parseFloat(itemKey.getAttribute("data-price")); } let priceHtml = apoFormatMoney(totalCompare); if (itemKey.innerHTML !== priceHtml) itemKey.innerHTML = priceHtml; }); } if (priceKey.price) { for (let priceItem of priceKey.price.split(",")) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll(priceItem); if (priceSelector.length > 0) { priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { let priceHtml = apoFormatMoney(itemPrice); if (itemKey.innerHTML !== priceHtml) itemKey.innerHTML = priceHtml; }); break; } } } if (!shopNotAppendCompare.includes(shopIdApo) && priceKey.price_compare) { for (let priceItem of priceKey.price_compare.split(",")) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll(priceItem); if (priceSelector.length > 0) { priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { let priceHtml = apoFormatMoney(itemPriceCompare); if (itemKey.innerHTML !== priceHtml) itemKey.innerHTML = priceHtml; }); break; } } } } } if (a) { (s.length && s.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-opacity-05")), inputSelector.length && inputSelector.forEach((t) => isHideQuantityInput ? t.classList.add("apo-hidden") : (t.readOnly = true) ), c.length && c.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-hidden")), l.length && l.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-hidden")), u.length && u.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-hidden"))), o.classList.add("apo-cart-item-mini"), isMergePrice && o.classList.add("apo-hidden"); if (shopIdApo === "64185073757") { } } if (isMainProduct && isMergePrice) { let totalPriceAc = 0; for (let keyAddcharge of apoVariants.split(joinAddChargeApo)) { totalPriceAc += cartItems .filter( (x) => x?.properties?._apo_added_by === keyAddcharge ) .reduce((n, { line_price }) => n + line_price, 0); } let totalPrice = totalPriceAc + cartItem.line_price; let totalCompare = totalPriceAc + cartItem.original_line_price; for (let priceKey of AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price) { if (priceKey.total_price) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll( priceKey.total_price ); priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { itemKey.innerHTML = apoFormatMoney(totalPrice); }); } if (priceKey.total_compare) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll( priceKey.total_compare ); priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { itemKey.innerHTML = apoFormatMoney(totalCompare); }); } } } })(lineItemSelector, cartItem); if (shopIdApo === "64185073757") { cartItem && editOptions && addHandleEditCart(lineItemSelector, cartItem, index, lineItemKey); } }); } let listUseAc = []; // Handle change quantity addcharge by main product ((t) => { let e = => t.variant_id); if (e.length > 0) { let isSectionID = true; if ( shopIdApo === "72434319636" || shopIdApo === "63532892418" || shopIdApo === "79438512462" ) { isSectionID = false; } let sections = typeof apoMiniCartSelector.getSectionsToRender === "function" ? apoMiniCartSelector .getSectionsToRender() .map((section) => isSectionID ? : section.section ) : []; let e = { sections: sections, updates: {} }; let cartItemNeedUpdate = {}; t.forEach((o, n) => { if ( && !(Object.keys( === 0) && ("_apo_added_by") ||"_apo_option")) ) { let isApoOption ="_apo_option"); if (isApoOption) { let optionData =["_apo_order"]; let key = `${}_${optionData}_${["_apo_option"]}`; if (!cartItemNeedUpdate[key]) { let isOneTime = true; let orderIdArr = optionData .replace("Added by: ", "") ?.split("*"); let orderId = orderIdArr[0]?.trim(); let quantityOfAddcharge = 0; if (orderIdArr.length > 1) { isOneTime = false; quantityOfAddcharge = parseInt( orderIdArr[1]?.trim() ?? 1 ); } let addcharges = t.filter( (x) => === &&["_apo_option"] ===["_apo_option"] &&["_apo_order"] ===["_apo_order"] ); let totalAddcharge = addcharges.reduce( (n, { quantity }) => n + quantity, 0 ); let cartItemsHasOptionBundle = t.filter( (t) => !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_order") && String(["_apo_order"]) === orderId ); let totalQuantityMain = cartItemsHasOptionBundle.reduce( (n, { quantity }) => n + quantity, 0 ); let quantityAc = 0; if (isOneTime) { quantityAc = 1; if (totalQuantityMain === 0) quantityAc = 0; } else { quantityAc = totalQuantityMain * quantityOfAddcharge; } if (totalAddcharge !== quantityAc) { cartItemNeedUpdate[key] = true; let index = 0; for (let itemAc of addcharges) { e.updates[itemAc.key] = index === 0 ? quantityAc : 0; index++; } } } } else { let optionData =["_apo_added_by"]; let cartItemsHasOptionBundle = t.filter( (t) => !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_variants") &&["_apo_variants"] .split(joinAddChargeApo) .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1) ); let addcharges = t.filter( (x) => === &&["_apo_added_by"] ===["_apo_added_by"] ); let totalAddcharge = addcharges.reduce( (n, { quantity }) => n + quantity, 0 ); let totalAddChargeInOrg = 0; if (cartItemsHasOptionBundle.length > 0) { for (let item of cartItemsHasOptionBundle) { let apoVariant =["_apo_variants"] .split(joinAddChargeApo) .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1); if (apoVariant) { if (apoVariant.indexOf("*") > -1) { totalAddChargeInOrg += item.quantity * parseInt( apoVariant.split("*")[ apoVariant.split("*").length - 1 ] ); } else { totalAddChargeInOrg += 1; } } // let isCheckUseAddchage = // o.discounts?.length && // item?.discounts?.length && // o.discounts.find((x) => // item?.discounts.find((y) => y.title === x.title) // ); // if (!isCheckUseAddchage) // isCheckUseAddchage = // !o.discounts?.length && !item?.discounts?.length; // if (isCheckUseAddchage && shopIdApo !== "27289256036") { // let apoVariant =["_apo_variants"] // .split(joinAddChargeApo) // .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1); // if (apoVariant) { // if (apoVariant.indexOf("*") > -1) { // quantity += // item.quantity * // parseInt( // apoVariant.split("*")[ // apoVariant.split("*").length - 1 // ] // ); // } else { // quantity += 1; // } // } // } else { // let apoVariant =["_apo_variants"] // .split(joinAddChargeApo) // .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1); // if (apoVariant) { // if (apoVariant.indexOf("*") > -1) { // totalAddChargeInOrg += // item.quantity * // parseInt( // apoVariant.split("*")[ // apoVariant.split("*").length - 1 // ] // ); // } else { // totalAddChargeInOrg += 1; // } // } // } } } if (shopIdApo !== "65881768133") { if (cartItemsHasOptionBundle.length === 0) { e.updates[o.key] = 0; } else { if (totalAddcharge !== totalAddChargeInOrg) { let newQuantity = 0; if (!listUseAc.includes(optionData)) { newQuantity = totalAddChargeInOrg; listUseAc.push(optionData); } else { newQuantity = 0; } if (listCartUpdate[o.key] !== newQuantity) { e.updates[o.key] = newQuantity; listCartUpdate[o.key] = newQuantity; } } } // if ( // o.quantity != quantity && // listCartUpdate[o.key] !== quantity && // (totalAddChargeInOrg === 0 || // totalAddChargeInOrg !== totalAddcharge) && // (shopIdApo !== "27289256036" || (shopIdApo === "27289256036" && !listUseAc.includes(optionData))) // ) { // listUseAc.push(optionData); // let newQuantity = quantity; // if (totalAddChargeInOrg > 0) { // newQuantity = // totalAddChargeInOrg - totalAddcharge + o.quantity; // } // listCartUpdate[o.key] = newQuantity; // e.updates[o.key] = newQuantity; // } } } } else if ( && !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_order") && String(["_apo_order"]).indexOf("Added by:") === -1) { let orderId =["_apo_order"]; let cartItemsAC = t.filter( (t) => !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_order") && String(["_apo_order"]).indexOf(`Added by: ${orderId}`) > -1 ); // Remove main product if not exist AC if (cartItemsAC.length === 0) { e.updates[o.key] = 0; } } }); Object.keys(e.updates).length === 0 || updateCart(e); updateViewCartItem(); } })(cartItems); } }; const handleLoadMiniCart = async () => { setTimeout(async function () { let isOk = false; if (window.AvisOptionsData?.updateCart_miniCart?.length > 0) { AvisOptionsConfig.mini_carts = window.AvisOptionsData.updateCart_miniCart.concat(AvisOptionsConfig.mini_carts); } for (let miniCart of AvisOptionsConfig.mini_carts) { let lineItemKey = miniCart.cart_item; let lineItemElems = apoMiniCartSelector.querySelectorAll( lineItemKey.key ); if (lineItemElems && lineItemElems.length > 0) { for (let lineItem of lineItemElems) { let d = lineItemKey.quantity.input ? lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.input) : [], c = lineItemKey.quantity.decrease ? lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.decrease) : [], l = lineItemKey.quantity.increase ? lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.increase) : [], g = lineItemKey.details ? lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.details) : [], remove = lineItemKey?.removeButton ? lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.removeButton) : []; if ( (!lineItemKey.quantity.input || d.length > 0) && (!lineItemKey.quantity.decrease || c.length > 0) && (!lineItemKey.quantity.increase || l.length > 0) && (!lineItemKey.details || g.length > 0) && (!lineItemKey?.removeButton || remove.length > 0) ) { isOk = true; await handleCartUpdate(lineItemKey); break; } if (isOk) break; } } if (isOk) break; } }, 300); }; if (apoMiniCartSelector) { if (window?.ap_front_settings?.page_type !== "cart") setTimeout(() => { handleLoadMiniCart(); }, 300); else { let dataInterval = setInterval(() => { if (isLoadedCartPage) { handleLoadMiniCart(); clearInterval(dataInterval); } }, 300); } new MutationObserver(handleLoadMiniCart).observe(apoMiniCartSelector, { childList: !0, subtree: !0, }); } } if (window.AvisOptionsData?.miniCartForm_interval) { let intervalMiniCart = setInterval(function () { apoMiniCart(); if (isSetIntevalMiniCart) clearInterval(intervalMiniCart); }, 400); } else { apoMiniCart(); } // Handle with cart drawer not show in view if (["55949590694", "52058915007", "83584811274", "83719422247"].includes(shopIdApo)) { let intervalMiniCart = setInterval(function () { apoMiniCart(); if (isSetIntevalMiniCart) clearInterval(intervalMiniCart); }, 400); } let currentLineItemKey = null; function apiHandleCart() { var listCartUpdate = {}; let priceMod = AvisOptionsData?.priceMod; let priceModCart = AvisOptionsData?.priceModCart; // Cart page var cartPage = { numberRepeatInterval: 0, isApplyFormCart: false, isRendringMergeAC: false, cartData: window.ap_front_settings.cart, handleCartEditPopup: async function (cartItem, indexCartItem, e) { e.preventDefault(); let avisCartOptionPopupClass = "avis-cartOptionsPopup"; let avisCartOptionBackdropClass = "avis-cartOptionsBackdrop"; const o =; priceMod.addLoadingAddCart(o); const i = () => { let t = document.querySelector(`.${avisCartOptionPopupClass}`), e = document.querySelector(`.${avisCartOptionBackdropClass}`); t && t.remove(), e && e.remove(); }; i(); const a = () => { const e = window.ap_front_settings.config.config_app[ "text_cancel_edit_options_cart" ] ? window.ap_front_settings.config.config_app[ "text_cancel_edit_options_cart" ] : "Cancel", o = window.ap_front_settings.config.config_app[ "text_save_changes_edit_options_cart" ] ? window.ap_front_settings.config.config_app[ "text_save_changes_edit_options_cart" ] : "Save Changes"; let n = document.createElement("div"); return ( n.classList.add(avisCartOptionPopupClass), n.setAttribute("style", "display:none!important"), (n.innerHTML = `
\n ${cartItem.title}\n ×\n
\n \n
\n \n \n
`), n ); }, p = () => { let t = document.createElement("div"); return ( t.classList.add(avisCartOptionBackdropClass), t.setAttribute("style", "display:none!important"), t.addEventListener("click", i.bind(this)), t ); }; let productInfo = await AvisOptionsData.pluginAction.getProduct( cartItem.handle ); if (productInfo) { let e = a(), r = p(); document.body.appendChild(e), document.body.appendChild(r), e .querySelectorAll( ".avis-popupHeader-close, .avis-popupFooter-cancel" ) .forEach((t) => t.addEventListener("click", i.bind(this))); priceMod.isEditOptionCart = true; let buttonSubmit = e.querySelector(".avis-popupFooter-submit"); buttonSubmit.setAttribute("product-id", `${}_cart`); buttonSubmit.addEventListener( "click", AvisOptionsData.submitEditOption ); let s = getElementByKeys("[data-avis-cart-popup-form]", "quickview"); if (s) { console.log("RenderOption"); priceMod.cartItemEdit = cartItem; priceMod.cartItemLineEdit = indexCartItem; AvisOptionsData.mainCheckAllRules( productInfo, `${}_cart`, true, document.querySelector(".avis-popupBox .avis-popupBody") ); priceMod.removeLoadingAddCart(o); e.setAttribute("style", "display:flex!important"); r.setAttribute("style", "display:block!important"); } } }, handleChangeQuantity: function (t) { let e = t.value; if (isNaN(parseInt(e))) return; var joinAddCharge = window.ap_front_settings.joinAddCharge; let group = t.getAttribute("apo-product-group"); let groupArr = group.split(joinAddCharge); for (let item of groupArr) { let quantity = 0; if (item.indexOf("*") > -1) { quantity = parseInt(item.split("*")[item.split("*").length - 1]); } else { quantity = 1; } let n = document.querySelectorAll( '[apo-parent-product-group="' + item + '"]' ); n.length && n.forEach((t) => { t.value = parseInt(quantity) * parseInt(e); }); } }, handleCartUpdate: async function (lineItemKey) { let cart = null; if (shopIdApo === "49716494499") { cart = await getCartJs(); } else cart = await getCartV2("cart"); this.cartData = cart; priceMod.cartCurrent = cart; const disable_quantity_and_remove = true; let cartItems = this.cartData && this.cartData.items; let lineItemElems = document.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.key); if (cartItems.length > 0 && lineItemElems.length > 0) { // Update price main product, show/hide quantity, remove addcharge function updateViewCartItem() { let listAddChargeUsed = {}; priceMod.cartData = cartItems; lineItemElems.forEach((n, r) => { let p = cartItems[r]; p && (disable_quantity_and_remove && ((o, n) => { let keyMainVariant = ""; let orderId = ""; let apoOption = ""; let isMainProduct = !1, a = !1; if (Object.keys( > 0) { if ("_apo_variants")) { isMainProduct = !0; keyMainVariant =["_apo_variants"]; } else if ("_apo_added_by") ||"_apo_option") ) { a = !0; } if ("_apo_order")) { apoOption =["_apo_order"]; } if ("_apo_order") && String(["_apo_order"]).indexOf( "Added by:" ) === -1 ) { isMainProduct = true; orderId = String(["_apo_order"]); } } let s = lineItemKey.quantity.wrapper ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.wrapper) : [], d = lineItemKey.quantity.input ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.input) : [], c = lineItemKey.quantity.decrease ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.decrease) : [], l = lineItemKey.quantity.increase ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.increase) : [], u = lineItemKey.removeButton ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.removeButton) : [], editCartSelector = lineItemKey.editButton ? o.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.editButton) : false; if ( AvisOptionsConfig.is_merge_ac_cart && isMainProduct && orderId ) { let qtyMainProd = n.quantity; let cartItemsAC = cartItems.filter( (x) => x?.properties?.hasOwnProperty("_apo_option") && x?.properties["_apo_order"].indexOf(orderId) > -1 ); // Check addcharge calculated cartItemsAC = cartItemsAC.filter( (x) => !listAddChargeUsed[x.key] || listAddChargeUsed[x.key] < x.quantity ); let totalPriceAc = 0; let totalPriceCompareAc = 0; let itemPriceAc = 0; let itemPriceCompareAc = 0; let tempQtyAC = {}; cartItemsAC.forEach((x) => { let tempAC =["_apo_order"].split("*"); let qtyAc = tempAC.length > 1 ? parseInt(tempAC[tempAC.length - 1]) : 1; if (qtyAc === 0) { listAddChargeUsed[x.key] += x.quantity; totalPriceAc += x.final_price * x.quantity; totalPriceCompareAc += x.price * x.quantity; } else { let needQtyAc = qtyMainProd * qtyAc; let usedQtyAc = tempQtyAC[] ?? 0; let useQtyAc = needQtyAc - usedQtyAc; if (useQtyAc > 0) { if (x.quantity >= useQtyAc) { tempQtyAC[] = (tempQtyAC[] ?? 0) + useQtyAc; listAddChargeUsed[x.key] = (listAddChargeUsed[x.key] ?? 0) + useQtyAc; totalPriceAc += x.final_price * useQtyAc; totalPriceCompareAc += x.price * useQtyAc; } else { tempQtyAC[] = (tempQtyAC[] ?? 0) + x.quantity; listAddChargeUsed[x.key] = (listAddChargeUsed[x.key] ?? 0) + x.quantity; totalPriceAc += x.final_price * x.quantity; totalPriceCompareAc += x.price * x.quantity; } } } itemPriceAc += x.final_price * (qtyAc === 0 ? 1 : qtyAc); itemPriceCompareAc += x.price * (qtyAc === 0 ? 1 : qtyAc); }); let totalPrice = totalPriceAc + n.line_price; if (shopIdApo === '72600387869') { totalPrice = totalPriceAc + n.original_line_price; } let totalCompare = totalPriceCompareAc + n.original_line_price; let itemPrice = itemPriceAc + n.final_price; let itemPriceCompare = itemPriceCompareAc + n.price; for (let priceKey of AvisOptionsConfig.cartitem_price_cartpage) { if (priceKey.total_price) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll( priceKey.total_price ); priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { let priceHtml = apoFormatMoney(totalPrice); if ( itemKey.getAttribute("apo-total-price") !== String(totalPrice) ) { itemKey.setAttribute( "apo-total-price", totalPrice ); itemKey.innerHTML = priceHtml; } }); } if (!shopNotAppendCompare.includes(shopIdApo) && priceKey.total_compare) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll( priceKey.total_compare ); priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { let priceHtml = apoFormatMoney(totalCompare); if ( itemKey.getAttribute("apo-total-compare") !== String(totalCompare) ) { itemKey.setAttribute( "apo-total-compare", totalCompare ); itemKey.innerHTML = priceHtml; } }); } if (priceKey.price) { for (let priceItem of priceKey.price.split(",")) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll(priceItem); if (priceSelector.length > 0) { priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { let priceHtml = apoFormatMoney(itemPrice); if ( itemKey.getAttribute("apo-price") !== String(itemPrice) ) { itemKey.setAttribute("apo-price", itemPrice); itemKey.innerHTML = priceHtml; } }); break; } } } if (!shopNotAppendCompare.includes(shopIdApo) && priceKey.price_compare) { for (let priceItem of priceKey.price_compare.split( "," )) { let priceSelector = o.querySelectorAll(priceItem); if (priceSelector.length > 0) { priceSelector.forEach((itemKey) => { let priceHtml = apoFormatMoney(itemPriceCompare); if ( itemKey.getAttribute("apo-compare") !== String(itemPriceCompare) ) { itemKey.setAttribute( "apo-compare", itemPriceCompare ); itemKey.innerHTML = priceHtml; } }); break; } } } } } let isHideQuantityInput = shopIdApo === "79163588941"; if (isMainProduct && keyMainVariant) { d.forEach((t) => { if (!t.getAttribute("apo-product-group")) { t.setAttribute("apo-product-group", keyMainVariant); if (shopIdApo === "58581549194") t.addEventListener("input", () => { setTimeout(function () { cartPage.handleChangeQuantity(t); }, 200); }); } }); c.length && c.forEach((t) => { t.addEventListener("click", function () { if ( !t.getAttribute("apo-cart-item") && shopIdApo === "58581549194" ) { t.setAttribute("apo-cart-item", true); let qtySelector = o.querySelector( lineItemKey.quantity.input ); if (qtySelector) { setTimeout(function () { cartPage.handleChangeQuantity(qtySelector); }, 200); } } }); }); l.length && l.forEach((t) => { t.addEventListener("click", function () { if ( !t.getAttribute("apo-cart-item") && shopIdApo === "58581549194" ) { t.setAttribute("apo-cart-item", true); let qtySelector = o.querySelector( lineItemKey.quantity.input ); if (qtySelector) { setTimeout(function () { cartPage.handleChangeQuantity(qtySelector); }, 200); } } }); }); } // Add key apo option for quantity input of cart item if (apoOption) { d.forEach((t) => { let apoAttr = "apo-order"; if (String(apoOption).indexOf("Added by:") > -1) { apoAttr = "apo-order-child"; } if (!t.getAttribute(apoAttr)) { t.setAttribute(apoAttr, String(apoOption)); } }); } // Add class for cart item addcharge if (a) { s.length && s.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-opacity-05")), d.length && d.forEach((t) => { isHideQuantityInput ? t.classList.add("apo-hidden") : (t.readOnly = true); t.setAttribute( "apo-parent-product-group",["_apo_added_by"] ); }), c.length && c.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-hidden")), l.length && l.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-hidden")), u.length && u.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-hidden")), editCartSelector && editCartSelector.length > 0 && editCartSelector.forEach((t) => t.classList.add("apo-hidden") ); o.classList.add("apo-cart-item"); } })(n, p), p && &&"_has_apo"), p && editOptions && addHandleEditCart(n, p, r, lineItemKey)); }); } let listUseAc = []; disable_quantity_and_remove && ((t) => { let e = => t.variant_id); if (e.length > 0) { let e = { updates: {} }; let cartItemNeedUpdate = {}; t.forEach((o, n) => { if ( !(Object.keys( === 0) && ("_apo_added_by") ||"_apo_option")) ) { let isApoOption ="_apo_option"); if (isApoOption) { let optionData =["_apo_order"]; let key = `${}_${optionData}_${["_apo_option"]}`; if (!cartItemNeedUpdate[key]) { let isOneTime = true; let orderIdArr = optionData .replace("Added by: ", "") ?.split("*"); let orderId = orderIdArr[0]?.trim(); let quantityOfAddcharge = 0; if (orderIdArr.length > 1) { isOneTime = false; quantityOfAddcharge = parseInt( orderIdArr[1]?.trim() ?? 1 ); } let addcharges = t.filter( (x) => === &&["_apo_option"] ===["_apo_option"] &&["_apo_order"] ===["_apo_order"] ); let totalAddcharge = addcharges.reduce( (n, { quantity }) => n + quantity, 0 ); let cartItemsHasOptionBundle = t.filter( (t) => !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_order") && String(["_apo_order"]) === orderId ); let totalQuantityMain = cartItemsHasOptionBundle.reduce( (n, { quantity }) => n + quantity, 0 ); let quantityAc = 0; if (isOneTime) { quantityAc = 1; if (totalQuantityMain === 0) quantityAc = 0; } else { quantityAc = totalQuantityMain * quantityOfAddcharge; } if (totalAddcharge !== quantityAc) { cartItemNeedUpdate[key] = true; let index = 0; for (let itemAc of addcharges) { e.updates[itemAc.key] = index === 0 ? quantityAc : 0; index++; } } } } else { let optionData =["_apo_added_by"]; let quantity = 0; let cartItemsHasOptionBundle = t.filter( (t) => !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_variants") &&["_apo_variants"] .split(joinAddChargeApo) .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1) ); let addcharges = t.filter( (x) => === &&["_apo_added_by"] ===["_apo_added_by"] ); let totalAddcharge = addcharges.reduce( (n, { quantity }) => n + quantity, 0 ); let totalAddChargeInOrg = 0; if (cartItemsHasOptionBundle.length > 0) { for (let item of cartItemsHasOptionBundle) { let apoVariant =["_apo_variants"] .split(joinAddChargeApo) .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1); if (apoVariant) { if (apoVariant.indexOf("*") > -1) { totalAddChargeInOrg += item.quantity * parseInt( apoVariant.split("*")[ apoVariant.split("*").length - 1 ] ); } else { totalAddChargeInOrg += 1; } } // // org and addcharge has discount // let isCheckUseAddchage = // o.discounts?.length && // item?.discounts?.length && // o.discounts.find((x) => // item?.discounts.find((y) => y.title === x.title) // ); // // org and addcharge no discount // if (!isCheckUseAddchage) // isCheckUseAddchage = // !o.discounts?.length && !item?.discounts?.length; // if (isCheckUseAddchage && shopIdApo !== "27289256036") { // let apoVariant =["_apo_variants"] // .split(joinAddChargeApo) // .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1); // if (apoVariant) { // if (apoVariant.indexOf("*") > -1) { // quantity += // item.quantity * // parseInt( // apoVariant.split("*")[ // apoVariant.split("*").length - 1 // ] // ); // } else { // quantity += 1; // } // } // } else { // let apoVariant =["_apo_variants"] // .split(joinAddChargeApo) // .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1); // if (apoVariant) { // if (apoVariant.indexOf("*") > -1) { // totalAddChargeInOrg += // item.quantity * // parseInt( // apoVariant.split("*")[ // apoVariant.split("*").length - 1 // ] // ); // } else { // totalAddChargeInOrg += 1; // } // } // } } } if (cartItemsHasOptionBundle.length === 0) { e.updates[o.key] = 0; } else { if (totalAddcharge !== totalAddChargeInOrg) { let newQuantity = 0; if (!listUseAc.includes(optionData)) { newQuantity = totalAddChargeInOrg; listUseAc.push(optionData); } else { newQuantity = 0; } if (listCartUpdate[o.key] !== newQuantity) { e.updates[o.key] = newQuantity; listCartUpdate[o.key] = newQuantity; } } } // if ( // o.quantity != quantity && // (totalAddChargeInOrg === 0 || // totalAddChargeInOrg !== totalAddcharge) && // priceModCart.listCartUpdate[o.key] !== quantity && (shopIdApo !== "27289256036" || (shopIdApo === "27289256036" && !listUseAc.includes(optionData))) // ) { // listUseAc.push(optionData); // let newQuantity = quantity; // if (totalAddChargeInOrg > 0) { // newQuantity = // totalAddChargeInOrg - totalAddcharge + o.quantity; // } // priceModCart.listCartUpdate[o.key] = newQuantity; // e.updates[o.key] = newQuantity; // } } } else if ( && !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_order") && String(["_apo_order"]).indexOf("Added by:") === -1) { let orderId =["_apo_order"]; let cartItemsAC = t.filter( (t) => !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_order") && String(["_apo_order"]).indexOf(`Added by: ${orderId}`) > -1 ); // Remove main product if not exist AC if (cartItemsAC.length === 0) { e.updates[o.key] = 0; } } }), Object.keys(e.updates).length === 0 || priceModCart.updateCart(e, (res) => { if (!res?.status) { window.location.reload(); } else { window.ap_front_settings?.page_type === "cart" && window.avisEnabledBtnCheckout(); }; }), Object.keys(e.updates).length === 0 && updateViewCartItem(); if (Object.keys(e.updates).length === 0){ window.ap_front_settings?.page_type === "cart" && window.avisEnabledBtnCheckout(); isLoadedCartPage = true; } } else { let e = { updates: {}, }; t.forEach((o, n) => { if ( &&"_apo_added_by") ) { let optionData =["_apo_added_by"]; let quantity = 0; let cartItemsHasOptionBundle = t.filter( (t) => !(Object.keys( === 0) &&"_apo_variants") &&["_apo_variants"] .split(joinAddChargeApo) .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1) ); if (cartItemsHasOptionBundle.length > 0) { for (let item of cartItemsHasOptionBundle) { let isCheckUseAddchage = o.discounts?.length && item?.discounts?.length && o.discounts.find((x) => item?.discounts.find((y) => y.title === x.title) ); if (!isCheckUseAddchage) isCheckUseAddchage = !o.discounts?.length && !item?.discounts?.length; if (isCheckUseAddchage) { let apoVariant =["_apo_variants"] .split(joinAddChargeApo) .find((x) => x.indexOf(optionData) > -1); if (apoVariant) { if (apoVariant.indexOf("*") > -1) { quantity += item.quantity * parseInt( apoVariant.split("*")[ apoVariant.split("*").length - 1 ] ); } else { quantity += 1; } } } } } if (o.quantity != quantity) { e.updates[o.key] = quantity; } } }), Object.keys(e.updates).length === 0 || priceModCart.updateCart(e, () => { if (shopIdApo === "69790695637" || shopIdApo === "65250099374" || shopIdApo === "65303412928" || shopIdApo === "87691559199" || shopIdApo === "24982126654" || shopIdApo === "89600098628" || shopIdApo === "26831880303" || shopIdApo === "89147965763") { setInterval(function () { if (window.ap_front_settings.page_type === "cart") window.location.reload(); }, 300); } else { window.location.reload(); } }), Object.keys(e.updates).length === 0 && updateViewCartItem(); if (Object.keys(e.updates).length === 0){ window.ap_front_settings?.page_type === "cart" && window.avisEnabledBtnCheckout(); isLoadedCartPage = true; } } })(cartItems); } if (["69571051556", "69790695637", "65250099374", "65303412928", "87691559199", '24982126654', "89600098628", "26831880303", "67395748030", "89147965763"].includes(shopIdApo) && currentLineItemKey && window.ap_front_settings.page_type === "cart") { setTimeout(function () { let cartItemSelector = document.querySelectorAll(currentLineItemKey.key); if (cartItems.length !== cartItemSelector.length) { window.location.reload(); } }, 300); } }, onCartPageUpdated: function (lineItemKeys) { window.ap_front_settings?.page_type === "cart" && window.avisDisabledBtnCheckout(); let isOk = false; for (let lineItemInfo of lineItemKeys) { let lineItemKey = lineItemInfo.key; if (!lineItemKey.details) lineItemKey = lineItemInfo; let lineItemElems = document.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.key); if (lineItemElems && lineItemElems.length > 0) { for (let lineItem of lineItemElems) { let d = lineItemKey.quantity.input ? lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.input) : [], c = lineItemKey.quantity.decrease ? lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.decrease) : [], l = lineItemKey.quantity.increase ? lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.quantity.increase) : [], g = lineItem.querySelectorAll(lineItemKey.details); if ( (!lineItemKey.quantity.input || d.length > 0) && (!lineItemKey.quantity.decrease || c.length > 0) && (!lineItemKey.quantity.increase || l.length > 0) && g.length > 0 ) { isOk = true; currentLineItemKey = lineItemKey; cartPage.handleCartUpdate(lineItemKey) break; } if (isOk) break; } if (isOk) break; } } if (!isOk && cartPage.numberRepeatInterval > 19) { window.ap_front_settings?.page_type === "cart" && window.avisEnabledBtnCheckout(); console.log("APO Not Found Key Item Cart List"); } }, initCartPage: function () { priceMod = AvisOptionsData?.priceMod; priceModCart = AvisOptionsData?.priceModCart; if (!priceMod) { return; } cartPage.numberRepeatInterval += 1; if (!AvisOptionsConfig.them_key) AvisOptionsConfig.them_key = { cart: { page: { form: false, lineitem: false, }, }, }; if (window.AvisOptionsData?.updateCart_cartPage_form?.length > 0) { = [window.AvisOptionsData.updateCart_cartPage_form].concat(; } let cartForm = getElementByKeys( ); if (!cartForm) { if (window?.ap_front_settings?.page_type === "cart") { console.log( "APO Not Found Form Of Cart Page Repeat: ", cartPage.numberRepeatInterval ); } return; } cartPage.isApplyFormCart = true; if ((Shopify.theme && || window.BOOMR?.themeName) { let filterData = (e) => !e.theme_name || (Shopify?.theme?.name && > -1) || (window.BOOMR?.themeName && e.theme_name.indexOf(window.BOOMR?.themeName) > -1) ); 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if (!window.apo_js_loaded.minicart && !isShopNotHandleCart) { if (!window?.AvisOptionsData?.NotHandleCart) apo_MiniCart(); } } if (index > 1000) { clearInterval(interMiniCart); } }, 200); }