function appStyleCollection() { if (window.apo_js_loaded.style_collection) return; window.apo_js_loaded.style_collection = true; let shopIdApoData = window.ap_front_settings.shop_id; const isShopInterval = ["87942856985", "89355354449"].includes(shopIdApoData); let shopShowPrice = ["19352793","86459449671", "64764674204"].includes(shopIdApoData); const key_collection_price = [".grid-product__price > span", ".productitem__price .price__current span[data-price]", ".card-information .price__sale .price-item--sale.price-item--last"]; const key_collection_compare = [".productitem__price .price__compare-at span[data-price-compare]", ".card-information .price__sale .price-item.price-item--regular"]; function handlePriceTheme(inputRadioSelector){ if (!shopShowPrice) return; let itemCollection = inputRadioSelector.closest(".avis-swatch-collection-item"); let variantId = inputRadioSelector.getAttribute("data-variantid"); if (!itemCollection || !variantId) return; let getPriceAvisSelector = itemCollection.querySelector(`.avis-swatch-option-select option[value='${variantId}']`); if (!getPriceAvisSelector) return; let getPriceAvis = getPriceAvisSelector.getAttribute("data-price"); if (!getPriceAvis) return; let getPriceTheme = itemCollection.querySelectorAll(key_collection_price.join(',')); getPriceTheme.forEach((e) => { e.innerHTML = getPriceAvis; }); let getPriceCompareAvis = getPriceAvisSelector.getAttribute("data-compare-price"); if (!getPriceCompareAvis) return; let getPriceCompareTheme = itemCollection.querySelectorAll(key_collection_compare.join(',')); getPriceCompareTheme.forEach((e) => { e.innerHTML = getPriceCompareAvis; }); } let apoFunction = {}; apoFunction.queryProductInfo = async function(locales, ids){ if (!ids?.length) return ""; locales = window.apoOptionLocales?.convertLocales(locales); let idsArr = []; for(let id of ids) { idsArr.push(`gid://shopify/Product/${id}`); } let idsString = idsArr.join('","'); let query = `\n query productDetails @inContext(country: ${ ?? "EN"}, language: ${locales.toUpperCase()}) {\n nodes(ids: ["${idsString}"]) {\n ... on Product {\n id\n handle\n title\n availableForSale\n options{\n name\n optionValues{\n name\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n `; return query; } apoFunction.fetchStoreFront = async function(queryData){ if (!window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.storefront_connect) return null; let root = window.Shopify && window.Shopify.routes && (window.Shopify.routes.root || window.Shopify.routes.root_url) || "/"; let url = `${root}api/${window.apoOptionLocales?.version}/graphql.json`; let data = { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token": window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.storefront_connect }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: queryData }) }; const response = await fetch(url, data); if (response.ok) { const json = await response.json(); return json; } return null; } var AvisCollections = function (e) { function n(n) { for (var t, r, a = n[0], i = n[1], c = 0, l = []; c < a.length; c++) r = a[c],, r) && o[r] && l.push(o[r][0]), o[r] = 0; for (t in i), t) && (e[t] = i[t]); for (u && u(n); l.length;) l.shift()() } var t = {} , o = { 3: 0 }; function styleOptions(n) { if (t[n]) return t[n].exports; var o = t[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} }; return e[n].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, styleOptions), o.l = !0, o.exports } styleOptions.e = async function (e) { } , styleOptions.d = function (e, n, t) { styleOptions.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, { enumerable: !0, get: t }) } , styleOptions.r = function (e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) } , styleOptions.o = function (e, n) { return, n) } , styleOptions.rootExtension = "", styleOptions.oe = function (e) { throw console.log(e), e } ; var a = window.AvisSwatchVariantsItem = window.AvisSwatchVariantsItem || [] , i = a.push.bind(a); a.push = n, a = a.slice(); for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) n(a[c]); var u = i; styleOptions.getListKeyStyle = function (o) { for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < o.length; n++) { let diplayStyle = o[n].display_style; t[o[n].option_name] = diplayStyle ? diplayStyle : "button"; } return t } styleOptions.getListKeyStyleSwatch = function (o) { for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < o.length; n++) { let data = o[n].display_style_swatch; t[o[n].option_name] = data ? data : "variant" } return t } styleOptions.getListKeyStyleCollectionSwatch = function (o) { for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < o.length; n++) { let data = o[n].display_style_collection_swatch; t[o[n].option_name] = data ? data : "variant" } return t } styleOptions.getListColors = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e]?.color_1?.color && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e]?.color_1?.color); return Object.assign({}, t) } styleOptions.getListColors2 = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e]?.color_2?.color && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e]?.color_2?.color); return Object.assign({}, t) } styleOptions.getListColorImage = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e]?.image_file && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e]?.image_file); return Object.assign({}, t) } styleOptions.getListColorImageUrl = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e]?.image_url && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e]?.image_url); return Object.assign({}, t) } styleOptions.getListOrderOptions = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) t[o[n].name] = o[n].order; return Object.assign({}, t) } styleOptions.getListKeyEnableCollection = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].enable_collection ?? false; result[option[n].option_name] = data; } return result } styleOptions.getListKeySwatchCollection = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].display_style_collection; result[option[n].option_name] = data ? data : "button"; } return result } styleOptions.getListDesignId = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].product_design_id; result[option[n].option_name] = data ? data : "button"; } return result } styleOptions.getListCollectionDesignId = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].collection_design_id; result[option[n].option_name] = data ? data : "collection_button"; } return result } styleOptions.getEnableCollection = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].enable_collection; result[option[n].option_name] = data === false ? false : (data ? data : true); } return result } styleOptions.getListPriority = function (o, fieldName) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e][fieldName] && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e][fieldName]); return Object.assign({}, t) } styleOptions.imageUrl = function (url, r, t) { t = t || !1; var a = url.split(".").pop() , o = url.lastIndexOf(a) - 1; return url.slice(0, o) + "_" + r + url.slice(o) } styleOptions.toggle = function (elem) { = "block" != getComputedStyle(elem).display ? "block" : "none" } styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter = function (o) { for (var t = o.split(""), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) switch (t[n]) { case "'": t[n] = t[n].replace("'", "\\'"); break; case '"': t[n] = t[n].replace('"', '\\"'); break; case "#": t[n] = t[n].replace("#", "#"); break; case "$": t[n] = t[n].replace("$", "$"); break; case "%": t[n] = t[n].replace("%", "%"); break; case "&": t[n] = t[n].replace("&", "&"); break; case "(": t[n] = t[n].replace("(", "("); break; case ")": t[n] = t[n].replace(")", ")"); break; case "*": t[n] = t[n].replace("*", "*"); break; case "+": t[n] = t[n].replace("+", "+"); break; case "/": t[n] = t[n].replace("/", "/"); break; case ":": t[n] = t[n].replace(":", ":"); break; case ";": t[n] = t[n].replace(";", ";"); break; case "<": t[n] = t[n].replace("<", "<"); break; case ">": t[n] = t[n].replace(">", ">"); break; case "=": t[n] = t[n].replace("=", "="); break; case "?": t[n] = t[n].replace("?", "?"); break; case "@": t[n] = t[n].replace("@", "@"); break; case "[": t[n] = t[n].replace("[", "["); break; case "]": t[n] = t[n].replace("]", "]"); break; case "^": t[n] = t[n].replace("^", "^"); break; case "`": t[n] = t[n].replace("`", "`"); break; case "{": t[n] = t[n].replace("{", "{"); break; case "|": t[n] = t[n].replace("|", "|"); break; case "}": t[n] = t[n].replace("}", "}"); break; case "~": t[n] = t[n].replace("~", "~"); break; default: t[n] = t[n] } return t.join("") } styleOptions.formatMoney = function (e, t = true, a = true) { var r = AvisStyleOptions.moneyFormat; function o(e, r) { return void 0 === e ? r : e } function n(e, r, t, a, n) { if (r = o(r, 2), t = o(t, ","), a = o(a, "."), isNaN(e) || null == e) return 0; var i = (e = (e / 100).toFixed(r)).split("."); return i[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1" + t) + (i[1] && (n || parseInt(i[1]) > 0) ? a + i[1] : "") } "string" == typeof e && (e = e.replace(".", "")); var i = "" , s = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/ , c = r; switch (c.match(s)[1]) { case "amount": i = n(e, 2, ",", ".", a); break; case "amount_no_decimals": i = n(e, 0, ",", ".", a); break; case "amount_with_comma_separator": i = n(e, 2, ".", ",", a); break; case "amount_with_space_separator": i = n(e, 2, " ", ",", a); break; case "amount_with_period_and_space_separator": i = n(e, 2, " ", ".", a); break; case "amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator": i = n(e, 0, ".", ",", a); break; case "amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator": i = n(e, 0, " ", "", a); break; case "amount_with_space_separator": i = n(e, 2, " ", ",", a); break; case "amount_with_apostrophe_separator": i = n(e, 2, "'", ".", a) } return t ? c.replace(s, i) : i; } styleOptions.configAppPage = function () { let config = window.ap_front_settings?.config['config_app']; if (config && config.shopify_option) { config.shopify_option["app_v"] = window.ap_front_settings?.config['app_v'] ?? "v1"; config.shopify_option["sort_option"] = false; return config.shopify_option; } return { app_v: window.ap_front_settings?.config['app_v'] ?? "v1", sort_option: false, setting: { s_show_product_page: false, s_show_collection_page: false, s_show_button_addcart: false, s_is_addcart_ajax: false, s_show_option_name_product: true, s_show_option_name_collection: true, s_show_limit_number_swatch: false, s_limit_number_swatch: 5, s_show_tooltip_collection: true, s_show_tooltip_product: true }, localization: { add_to_cart: "Add to cart", added_to_cart: "Added to cart", sold_out: "Sold out" } }; } return styleOptions(styleOptions.s = 0) }([function (e, objectData, styleOptionsPlugin) { const queryStringUrl =; styleOptionsPlugin.rootExtension = AvisStyleOptions.rootExtension, "product" != && "index" != && "collection" != && "search" != || (renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptionsPlugin), renderOptionByFilterForCollection(styleOptionsPlugin, queryStringUrl)); if (shopIdApoData === "89355354449" && ["page","list-collections"].includes( ) { renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptionsPlugin); renderOptionByFilterForCollection(styleOptionsPlugin, queryStringUrl); } } ]); function renderOptionByFilterForCollection(styleOptions, queryStringUrl) { if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "FREE" || AvisStyleOptions.plan === "BASIC") return; if (AvisOptionsData?.not_show_collection_page) return; let optionsSwatchConfig = AvisStyleOptions; optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig = styleOptions.configAppPage(); if (!optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.setting.s_show_collection_page || (!optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.app_v || optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.app_v.indexOf("v2") === -1)) { return; } if (!optionsSwatchConfig?.product_ids_option?.length && !optionsSwatchConfig?.style_options?.length && AvisStyleOptions.plan !== "OLD") return; const observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { if ( !== queryStringUrl || shopIdApoData === "56580669515" || shopIdApoData === "73932832802") { queryStringUrl =; let checkExistGenCollection = document.querySelector(".avis-swatch-collection-item"); if (!checkExistGenCollection) { renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptions); } else { if (shopIdApoData === "73932832802") { setTimeout(function(){ renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptions); }, 200); } else { let intervalCollect = setInterval(function () { let checkExistGenCollection = document.querySelector(".avis-swatch-collection-item"); if (!checkExistGenCollection) { clearInterval(intervalCollect); renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptions); } }, 200); } } } }); const config = { subtree: true, childList: true }; // start listening to changes if (shopIdApoData === "73932832802") { let dataSelector = document.querySelector("#ProductGridContainer"); observer.observe(dataSelector ? dataSelector : document, config); } else { observer.observe(document, config); } if (Shopify?.theme && Shopify?.theme?.name && AvisStyleOptions.themeSetintervalCollection.find(x => Shopify?.theme?.name.indexOf(x) > -1)) { let intervalCollectionPage = setInterval(function(){ let checkExistGenCollection = document.querySelector(".avis-swatch-collection-item"); if (!checkExistGenCollection && document.querySelectorAll(AvisStyleOptions.selectors.productCollectionHref).length > 0) { clearInterval(intervalCollectionPage); renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptions); } }, 300); } // Set interval for app filter if (shopIdApoData === "86499098904") { setInterval(function(){ let checkExistGenCollection = document.querySelector(".avis-swatch-collection-item"); if (!checkExistGenCollection && document.querySelectorAll(AvisStyleOptions.selectors.productCollectionHref).length > 0) { renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptions); } }, 500); } // Set interval for app filter if (isShopInterval) { setInterval(function(){ let newHref = AvisStyleOptions.selectors.productCollectionHref.split(",").join(":not(.avis-used),") + ":not(.avis-used)"; let productItemElement = document.querySelectorAll(newHref); if (productItemElement.length > 0) { renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptions); } }, 500); } } function renderOptionForCollectionPage(styleOptions) { if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "FREE" || AvisStyleOptions.plan === "BASIC") return; if (AvisOptionsData?.not_show_collection_page) return; var linkHttp = window.Shopify && window.Shopify.routes && window.Shopify.routes.root ? window.Shopify.routes.root : "/"; var classSwatchCollectionsContainer = "avis-swatch-collections"; let optionsSwatchConfig = AvisStyleOptions; optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig = styleOptions.configAppPage(); if (!optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.setting.s_show_collection_page || (!optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.app_v || optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.app_v.indexOf("v2") === -1)) { return; } if (shopIdApoData === "61391962248") { if (window.loadedAvisCollection) return; window.loadedAvisCollection = true; } renderOptionsForCollections(optionsSwatchConfig) function getType(data) { return (getType = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof data } : function (data) { return data && "function" == typeof Symbol && data.constructor === Symbol && data !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof data } )(data) } function i(t, e, o) { return (e = function (t) { var e = function (t, e) { if ("object" !== getType(t) || null === t) return t; var o = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== o) { var r =, e || "default"); if ("object" !== getType(r)) return r; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return ("string" === e ? String : Number)(t) }(t, "string"); return "symbol" === getType(e) ? e : String(e) }(e)) in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: o, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : t[e] = o, t } function renderOptionsForCollections(dataOptionApp) { var addAttrProductSelector = function () { document.querySelectorAll(".avis-swatch-product-info").forEach((function (t) { return t.parentElement.parentElement.setAttribute("product-selector", t.getAttribute("avis-swatch-product-id")) } )) }; var bindEventButtonAddCart = function () { var o = dataOptionApp.appConfig.localization.added_to_cart; document.querySelectorAll(".btn-avis-addtocart").forEach((function (elem) { elem.addEventListener("click", (function (event) { event.preventDefault(); elem.classList.add("avis-loading"); var variantId = elem.closest(".avis-swatch-product-info").querySelector(".avis-swatch-option-select").value; fetch(linkHttp + "cart/add.js", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ quantity: 1, id: variantId }) }).then((function (r) { 200 == r.status && (elem.innerHTML = o, dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_is_addcart_ajax ? function (t) { fetch(linkHttp + "cart.js").then((function (t) { return t.json() } )).then((function (e) { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("AvisSwatchAddCart", { detail: { cart: e, ids: t } })); elem.classList.remove("avis-loading"); if (shopIdApoData === "87942856985" || shopIdApoData === "89355354449") { let cartIcon = document.querySelector("#cart-icon-bubble"); if (cartIcon); } } )).catch((function (t) { elem.classList.remove("avis-loading"); console.log("Error:", t) } )) }(i) : (elem.innerHTML = dataOptionApp.appConfig.localization.add_to_cart, window.location.href = linkHttp + "cart")) } )).then((function (t) { console.log(t); elem.classList.remove("avis-loading"); } )).catch((function (t) { console.log("Error:", t); elem.classList.remove("avis-loading"); } )) } )) } )) } binEventDropdownlistOption = function () { document.addEventListener("click", function () { document.querySelectorAll(`.${classSwatchCollectionsContainer} ul.avis-dropdown-option`).forEach(function (t) { if ("block" == getComputedStyle(t).display) { Object(styleOptions.toggle)(t); } }) }); document.querySelectorAll(`.${classSwatchCollectionsContainer} ul.avis-dropdown-option`).length && ( document.querySelectorAll(`.${classSwatchCollectionsContainer} .avis-swatch-drop-down`).forEach((function (t) { t.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), Object(styleOptions.toggle)(t.nextElementSibling); } )) } )), document.querySelectorAll(`.${classSwatchCollectionsContainer} ul.avis-dropdown-option li.avis-style-value-dropdownlist`).forEach((function (t) { t.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), Object(styleOptions.toggle)(t.closest("ul.avis-dropdown-option")), t.querySelector('input[type="radio"]').checked = true, t.querySelector('input[type="radio"]').dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")) } )) } ))) } , binEventOptionValue = function () { document.querySelectorAll(".avis-text-more").forEach((function (t) { t.addEventListener("click", (function () { window.location.href = t.closest(".avis-swatch-product-info").getAttribute("avis-swatch-product-url") } )) } )), document.querySelectorAll(".avis-variants-image li.avis-option-value-item").forEach((function (e) { if (shopIdApoData === "70301778171" && e.dataset?.productImage) { let itemProductSelector = e.closest(".avis-swatch-collection-item"); e.addEventListener("mouseover", function(){ if (!itemProductSelector) return; let imageSelector = itemProductSelector.querySelector(".grid-product__secondary-image img"); if (!imageSelector) return; if (!imageSelector?.dataset?.src) imageSelector.setAttribute("data-src", imageSelector?.getAttribute("src")); if (!imageSelector?.dataset?.srcset)imageSelector.setAttribute("data-srcset", imageSelector?.getAttribute("srcset")); imageSelector.setAttribute("src", e.dataset?.productImage); imageSelector.setAttribute("srcset", e.dataset?.productImage); }); e.addEventListener("mouseout", function(){ if (!itemProductSelector) return; let imageSelector = itemProductSelector.querySelector(".grid-product__secondary-image img"); if (imageSelector?.dataset?.src) imageSelector.setAttribute("src", imageSelector?.dataset?.src); if (imageSelector?.dataset?.srcset) imageSelector.setAttribute("srcset", imageSelector?.dataset?.srcset); }); } e.addEventListener("click", (function (o) { var r, l, c, i, n, s, a, u, d, p, g, m, h, f, b, _, y, v, S, w, A, q, E, k, O, j, C, x, I, L, T, P, G = e.getAttribute("data-product-id"), H = e.getAttribute("data-product-image"); let optionValueChecked = e.getAttribute("data-value"); try { let itemProductCard = e.closest(".avis-swatch-collection-item"); itemProductCard && optionValueChecked && null != itemProductCard.querySelector('fieldset input[type="radio"][value="'+optionValueChecked+'"]') && itemProductCard.querySelector('fieldset input[type="radio"][value="'+optionValueChecked+'"]').click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t) } H && (null != (null === (r = e.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.parentSelectorSwatchCollection)) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.querySelector(dataOptionApp.selectors.imageSelectorCollection)) && (e.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.parentSelectorSwatchCollection).querySelector(dataOptionApp.selectors.imageSelectorCollection).setAttribute("src", H), e.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.parentSelectorSwatchCollection).querySelector(dataOptionApp.selectors.imageSelectorCollection).setAttribute("srcset", H)), null != (null === (l = e.closest('[product-selector="' + G + '"]')) || void 0 === l ? void 0 : l.querySelector("img:not(.icon-add-to-cart)")) && (e.closest('[product-selector="' + G + '"]')?.querySelector("img:not(.icon-add-to-cart)")?.setAttribute("src", H), e.closest('[product-selector="' + G + '"]')?.querySelector("img:not(.icon-add-to-cart)")?.setAttribute("srcset", H)), null !== (c = e.closest("article.collection-product")) && void 0 !== c && c.querySelectorAll(".product-card-image img").length && (e.closest("article.collection-product").querySelector(".product-card-image img").setAttribute("src", H), e.closest("article.collection-product").querySelector(".product-card-image img").setAttribute("srcset", H)), null !== (i = e.closest("")) && void 0 !== i && i.querySelectorAll("img").length && (e.closest("").querySelector("img").setAttribute("src", H), e.closest("").querySelector("img").setAttribute("srcset", H)), null !== (n = e.closest(".product-item")) && void 0 !== n && n.querySelectorAll(".product-item__thumbnail img").length && e.closest(".product-item").querySelectorAll(".product-item__thumbnail img").forEach((function (t) { t.setAttribute("src", H), t.setAttribute("srcset", H) } )), null !== (s = e.closest(".product-item")) && void 0 !== s && s.querySelectorAll(".product-item__images img").length && e.closest(".product-item").querySelectorAll(".product-item__images img").forEach((function (t) { t.setAttribute("src", H), t.setAttribute("srcset", H) } )), null !== (a = e.closest("article.productgrid--item")) && void 0 !== a && a.querySelectorAll("img").length && e.closest("article.productgrid--item").querySelectorAll("img").forEach((function (t) { t.setAttribute("src", H), t.setAttribute("srcset", H) } )), null !== (u = e.closest(".product-item-v1")) && void 0 !== u && u.querySelectorAll(".img-product img.img-responsive").length && (e.closest(".product-item-v1").querySelector(".img-product img.img-responsive").setAttribute("src", H), e.closest(".product-item-v1").querySelector(".img-product img.img-responsive").setAttribute("srcset", H)), null !== (d = e.closest(".product-item-v1")) && void 0 !== d && d.querySelectorAll(".img-product img.img-responsive.img-product-hover").length && (e.closest(".product-item-v1").querySelector(".img-product 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q.querySelectorAll(".tt-image-box img").length && e.closest(".tt-col-item").querySelectorAll(".tt-image-box img").forEach((function (t) { t.setAttribute("src", H), t.setAttribute("srcset", H) } )), null != (null === (E = e.closest(".product-grid-item")) || void 0 === E ? void 0 : E.querySelector("a.product__media")) && (e.closest(".product-grid-item").querySelector("a.product__media").style.backgroundImage = "url('" + H + "')"), null != (null === (k = e.closest(".product-grid-item")) || void 0 === k ? void 0 : k.querySelector("a.product__media-hover .product__media-hover-img")) && (e.closest(".product-grid-item").querySelector("a.product__media-hover .product__media-hover-img").style.backgroundImage = "url('" + H + "')"), null != (null === (O = e.closest(".product-block__inner")) || void 0 === O ? void 0 : O.querySelector(".product-block__image")) && (e.closest(".product-block__inner").querySelector(".product-block__image").style.backgroundImage = "url('" + H + "')", 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t.setAttribute("srcset", H) } )), null !== (I = e.closest(".grid__item")) && void 0 !== I && I.querySelectorAll(".grid-product__image-mask .grid__image-ratio").length && setTimeout((function () { e.closest(".grid__item").querySelectorAll(".grid-product__image-mask .grid__image-ratio").forEach((function (t) { = "url('" + H + "')" } )) } ), 500), null !== (L = e.closest(".grid__item")) && void 0 !== L && L.querySelectorAll(".grid-product__image-mask .image-wrap img").length && e.closest(".grid__item").querySelector(".grid-product__image-mask .image-wrap img").setAttribute("src", H), null !== (T = e.closest(".grid__item")) && void 0 !== T && T.querySelectorAll(".grid-product__image-mask .grid-product__secondary-image img").length && e.closest(".grid__item").querySelector(".grid-product__image-mask .grid-product__secondary-image img").setAttribute("src", H), null !== (P = e.closest(".grid__item")) && void 0 !== P && P.querySelectorAll(".card--product .media img").length && e.closest(".grid__item").querySelectorAll(".card--product .media img").forEach((function (t) { t.setAttribute("src", H), t.setAttribute("srcset", H) } ))) } )) } )) } , binEventRadioOptionValue = function (e) { var o = dataOptionApp.appConfig.localization.add_to_cart , l = dataOptionApp.appConfig.localization.sold_out; document.querySelectorAll('.avis-swatch-product-info .avis-swatch-option .avis-option-values input[type="radio"]').forEach((function (elemOptionValue) { elemOptionValue.addEventListener("change", (function (i) { var n = elemOptionValue.closest(".avis-swatch-product-info").querySelectorAll(".avis-swatch-option") , s = [] , value = elemOptionValue.value; handlePriceTheme(elemOptionValue); dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_show_option_name_collection && (elemOptionValue.closest(".avis-swatch-option").querySelector(".avis-option-value").innerHTML = ": " + value), n.forEach((function (t, e) { var o, r = t.getAttribute("data-option-index"); s[r] = null === (o = t.querySelector('input[type="radio"]:checked')) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.value } )); for (var u = "", d = 0; d < s.length; d++) void 0 !== s[d] && (u += "[data-option" + parseInt(d + 1) + '="' + Object(styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter)(s[d]) + '"]'); try { var p, g, m = null === (p = elemOptionValue.closest(".avis-swatch-product-info").querySelector('select[name="avis-swatch-option-select"] option' + u)) || void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.value, h = null === (g = elemOptionValue.closest(".avis-swatch-product-info").querySelector('select[name="avis-swatch-option-select"] option' + u)) || void 0 === g ? void 0 : g.getAttribute("data-available") } catch (t) { console.log(t) } elemOptionValue.closest(".avis-swatch-product-info").querySelector('select[name="avis-swatch-option-select"]').value = m, dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_show_button_addcart && ("true" == h ? 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var toggleOutOfStock = function (t, e, o) { t.querySelectorAll("ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-more").length && null != t.querySelector("ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-more") || null != t.querySelector("ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-item:nth-child(".concat(e + 1, ")")) && t.querySelector("ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-item:nth-child(".concat(e + 1, ")")).classList.toggle("avis-out-of-stock", !o) }; elemOptionIndex && elemOptionIndex[0] && S && S[0].values.forEach((function (t, e) { toggleOutOfStock(elemOptionIndex[0], e, _.variants.some((function (e) { return e.option1 === t && e.available } ))), elemOptionIndex[1] && S[1].values.forEach((function (t, e) { toggleOutOfStock(elemOptionIndex[1], e, _.variants.some((function (e) { return e.option2 === t && e.option1 === b[0] && e.available } ))), elemOptionIndex[2] && S[2].values.forEach((function (t, e) { toggleOutOfStock(elemOptionIndex[2], e, _.variants.some((function (e) { return e.option3 === t && e.option1 === b[0] && e.option2 === b[1] && e.available } ))) } )) } )) } )) } else { _ = "", v = elemOptionValue.closest(".avis-swatch-product-info").getAttribute("avis-swatch-product-id"); var A = elemOptionValue.closest(".avis-swatch-product-info") , q = "avis-out-of-stock" , E = A.querySelectorAll(".avis-swatch-variants .avis-swatch-option"); E.length > 1 && E.forEach((function (t) { t.querySelectorAll('.avis-swatch-option input[type="radio"]').forEach((function (t) { t.parentElement.classList.remove(q) } )) } )), (t) { if (void 0 !== t && == v) return _ = t.product } )), E.forEach((function (t, e) { e = t.getAttribute("data-option-index"); var o, r = null === (o = t.querySelector('input[type="radio"]:checked')) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.value; E.forEach((function (t, o) { o = t.getAttribute("data-option-index"); e !== o && t.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]').forEach((function (t, l) { for (var c = !1, i = 0, n = _.variants.length; i < n; i++) { var s = _.variants[i]; !1 !== s.available && s.options[e] == r && s.options[o] == t.value && (c = !0) } !1 === c ? t.parentElement.classList.contains("select-option--dropdown") || t.parentElement.classList.add(q) : t.parentElement.classList.remove(q) } )) } )) } )) } } )) } )) } , sortOptions = function (productId) { dataOptionApp.appConfig.sort_option && document.querySelectorAll('.avis-swatch-product-info[avis-swatch-product-id="' + productId + '"]').forEach((function (t) { var e = t.querySelectorAll(".avis-swatch-variants .avis-swatch-option"); 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Promise.all(productElementList).then((async function (productElements) { var optionsApp = dataOptionApp.style_options; var h = styleOptions.getListColors(optionsApp) , f = Object(styleOptions.getListColors2)(optionsApp) , b = Object(styleOptions.getListColorImage)(optionsApp) , _ = Object(styleOptions.getListColorImageUrl)(optionsApp) , v = Object(styleOptions.getListOrderOptions)(optionsApp) , visibleCollections = Object(styleOptions.getListKeyEnableCollection)(optionsApp) , displayStylesCollection = Object(styleOptions.getListKeySwatchCollection)(optionsApp) , getListKeyStyleCollectionSwatch = Object(styleOptions.getListKeyStyleCollectionSwatch)(optionsApp) , getListPriorityColor = Object(styleOptions.getListPriority)(optionsApp, "is_priority_color") , getListPriorityImageFile = Object(styleOptions.getListPriority)(optionsApp, "is_priority_image_file") , getListPriorityImageUrl = Object(styleOptions.getListPriority)(optionsApp, "is_priority_image_url") , getListCollectionDesignId = Object(styleOptions.getListCollectionDesignId)(optionsApp) , getEnableCollection = Object(styleOptions.getEnableCollection)(optionsApp); const renderOptionProducts = async function () { let productIdsApply = false; let productIdsString = JSON.stringify(AvisStyleOptions.product_ids_option); let productIds = JSON.parse(productIdsString); if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "ADVANCED") { productIdsApply = false; } else if (AvisOptionsData?.limit_product) { let limitProduct = AvisOptionsData.limit_product.split(":"); if (limitProduct.length > 1) { productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, parseInt(limitProduct[1])); } } else if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "FREE") { productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, 10); } else if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "BASIC") { productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, 50); } else if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "ADVANCED") { //productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, 3000); } let productIdsInPage = []; productElements.filter(item=> item).map((productElement) => { let isOptionTitleDefault = productElement.product.options && productElement.product.options.length === 1 && productElement.product.options[0].name === "Title" && productElement.product.options[0].values && productElement.product.options[0].values.length === 1 && productElement.product.options[0].values[0] === "Default Title"; if ((!productIdsApply || productIdsApply.includes(String( && !isOptionTitleDefault) { productIdsInPage.push(; } return null; }); let currentLocale = AvisStyleOptions?.locale; if (!currentLocale) currentLocale = Shopify.locale; if (window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.storefront_connect && currentLocale !== window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.primary_locale && productIdsInPage.length > 0){ let queryLocale = await apoFunction.queryProductInfo(currentLocale, productIdsInPage); let query = await apoFunction.queryProductInfo(window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.primary_locale ?? "EN", productIdsInPage); let configLocale = await Promise.all([apoFunction.fetchStoreFront(query), apoFunction.fetchStoreFront(queryLocale)]).then((result) => { console.log(result); return result }) .catch((error) => { console.log(`Error in promises ${error}`); return null; }); if (configLocale?.length > 1) { let productOrgs = configLocale[0]?.data?.nodes; let productLocales = configLocale[1]?.data?.nodes; if (productOrgs?.length && productLocales?.length) { dataOptionApp["product_orgs"] = productOrgs; dataOptionApp["product_locales"] = productLocales; dataOptionApp["primary_locale"] = window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.primary_locale; dataOptionApp["locale"] = currentLocale; dataOptionApp["is_locale"] = true; } } } await Promise.all( function (productElement) { if (productElement) { let isOptionTitleDefault = productElement.product.options && productElement.product.options.length === 1 && productElement.product.options[0].name === "Title" && productElement.product.options[0].values && productElement.product.options[0].values.length === 1 && productElement.product.options[0].values[0] === "Default Title"; if ((!productIdsApply || productIdsApply.includes(String( && !isOptionTitleDefault) { async function renderSelectOption(product) { let html = ""; let optionHtml = ""; for (let variant of product.variants) { optionHtml += ``; } html += `` return html; } async function renderListPrice(product) { let html = ""; for (let variant of product.variants) html += `
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  • ${labelHtml}
  • `; index = index + 1; } if (isSwatchLimit) { html += `
  • `; } return html; } async function renderOptions(configs, product, optionsConfig) { if (product.variants.length == 1 && product.variants[0].title == 'Default Title') { return ""; } let html = ""; let index = 0; let product_org = optionsConfig?.product_orgs?.find(x => > -1); let product_locale = optionsConfig?.product_locales?.find(x => > -1); for (let option of product.options) { let option_index = index; let option_index_name = `option${option_index + 1}`; let displayStyle = configs.displayStyles[]; let optionName =; if (optionsConfig.is_locale) { if (product_org && product_locale) { let findIndex = product_locale.options.findIndex(x => === optionName); if (findIndex > -1) { optionName = product_org?.options[findIndex].name; } } } // let optionLocales = null; // if (window.apoOptionLocales?.options) // { // optionLocales = window.apoOptionLocales.options?.trans.find(x => x.names && x.names.includes(optionName)); // if (optionLocales) // { // if (!displayStyle) // { // for(let checkName of optionLocales.names) // { // if (Object.hasOwn(configs.displayStyles,checkName)) // { // optionName = checkName; // } // } // } // } // if (!Object.hasOwn(configs.displayStyles,optionName)) // { // let newOptionLocales = window.apoOptionLocales.options?.trans.filter(x => x.names && x.names.find(y => y && y.indexOf(optionName) > -1)); // let isFindName = false; // for(let checkOptionLocales of newOptionLocales) // { // for(let checkNames of checkOptionLocales.names) // { // let checkNameArr = checkNames.split(","); // for(let checkName of checkNameArr) // { // if (Object.hasOwn(configs.displayStyles,checkName)) // { // optionName = checkName; // isFindName = true; // optionLocales = checkOptionLocales; // break; // } // } // if (isFindName) break; // } // if (isFindName) break; // } // } // } if (!displayStyle && window.ap_front_settings && window.ap_front_settings.shop_id && window.ap_front_settings && window.ap_front_settings.shop_id === "82208129315") { for (let itemOption of AvisOptionsConfig.list_language) { let optionByLang = itemOption.filter(x => x ===; if (optionByLang.length > 0) { for (let itemLang of itemOption) { if (configs.displayStyles[itemLang]) optionName = itemLang; } } } } if (!displayStyle) displayStyle = configs.displayStyles[optionName]; let designId = configs.designIds[optionName]; if (!designId) designId = "collection_button"; let displayStyleSwatch = configs.displayStyleSwatchs[optionName]; let sortOption = configs.listOrderOptions[optionName]; let class_stylesoldout = ""; let enableCollection = configs.enableCollection[optionName]; if (!displayStyle) displayStyle = "button"; if (enableCollection == false) { } else { let contentOptionHtml = ""; if (displayStyle == "dropdownlist") { contentOptionHtml = `
    ${option.values ? option.values[0] : ""}
    `; } else { contentOptionHtml = ``; } let isShowOptionName = configs.isOptionname; html += `
    `; } index = index + 1; } return html; } var renderOptionHtml = async function (optionsConfig) { let product = optionsConfig.product; let configs = optionsConfig.configs; let alignContent = configs.align_content; let class_alignContent = alignContent ? `avis-align-content-${alignContent}` : ""; let first_available_variant = false; for (let variant of product.variants) { if (first_available_variant == true && variant.available) { first_available_variant = variant; } } if (!first_available_variant) first_available_variant = product.variants[0]; let addCartHtml = ""; if (optionsConfig.configs.showAddtocart) { if (product.available) { addCartHtml += `` } else { addCartHtml += ``; } } let optionsHtml = await renderOptions(configs, product, optionsConfig); let html = `
    ${await renderSelectOption(product)} ${addCartHtml}
    `; return html; } var renderOptionWrapperHtml = async function (dataOptionApp) { let configOptions = { product_orgs: dataOptionApp["product_orgs"], product_locales: dataOptionApp["product_locales"], primary_locale: dataOptionApp["primary_locale"], locale: dataOptionApp["locale"], is_locale: dataOptionApp["is_locale"], product: productElement.product, configs: { designIds: getListCollectionDesignId, visibleCollections: visibleCollections, displayStyles: displayStylesCollection, displayStyleSwatchs: getListKeyStyleCollectionSwatch, displayColors: h, displayColors2: f, displayColorsImage: b, displayColorsImageUrl: _, getListPriorityColor: getListPriorityColor, getListPriorityImageFile: getListPriorityImageFile, getListPriorityImageUrl: getListPriorityImageUrl, style_collection_page_swatch: dataOptionApp.style_collection_page_swatch, style_collection_page_button: dataOptionApp.style_collection_page_button, align_content: dataOptionApp.align_content, showAddtocart: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_show_button_addcart, enableTooltip: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_show_tooltip_collection, image_width: dataOptionApp.image_width, image_height: dataOptionApp.image_height, background_size: dataOptionApp.background_size, cur_locale: dataOptionApp.cur_locale, locale: dataOptionApp.locale, isAjaxcart: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_is_addcart_ajax, isOptionname: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_show_option_name_collection, styleSoldout: dataOptionApp.out_of_stock, txtAddtocart: dataOptionApp.appConfig.localization.add_to_cart, txtAddedtocart: dataOptionApp.appConfig.localization.added_to_cart, txtSoldout: dataOptionApp.appConfig.localization.sold_out, txtSelectAnOption: dataOptionApp.select_an_option, sortOption: dataOptionApp.appConfig.sort_option, listOrderOptions: v, show_one_variant: dataOptionApp.show_one_variant_collection, s_show_limit_number_swatch: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_show_limit_number_swatch, s_limit_number_swatch: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_limit_number_swatch, enableCollection: getEnableCollection } }; return await renderOptionHtml(configOptions); } if (dataOptionApp.cur_locale == dataOptionApp.locale) { var productCollectionHtml = await renderOptionWrapperHtml(dataOptionApp); let collectionItem = productElement.element.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.productCollectionItem); if (null != collectionItem && null == collectionItem.querySelector(`.${classSwatchCollectionsContainer}`) && 0 == collectionItem.querySelectorAll(".avis-swatch-collection-item").length && null == collectionItem.closest(".avis-swatch-collection-item")) { collectionItem.classList.add("avis-swatch-collection-item"); var elemCollectionContainer = document.createElement("div"); elemCollectionContainer.classList.add(classSwatchCollectionsContainer), elemCollectionContainer.setAttribute("avisplus-swatch-product-id",; var elemProductInfo = document.createElement("div"); elemProductInfo.classList.add("avis-swatch-product-info"), elemProductInfo.setAttribute("avis-swatch-product-id",, elemProductInfo.setAttribute("avis-swatch-product-url", productElement.product.url), elemProductInfo.innerHTML = productCollectionHtml, elemCollectionContainer.append(elemProductInfo), collectionItem.append(elemCollectionContainer); let buttonAddCartOfTheme = collectionItem.querySelector(dataOptionApp.selectors.productCollectionHideButtonAddCart); if (buttonAddCartOfTheme) = "none"; // Hide options of theme let optionsOfTheme = collectionItem.querySelector(dataOptionApp.selectors.collectionHiddenOption); if (optionsOfTheme) = "none"; let inputRadio = collectionItem.querySelector(".avis-option-values .avis-option-value-item input:checked"); if (inputRadio) handlePriceTheme(inputRadio); } sortOptions(; var productVariant = productElement.product.variants.find((function (variant) { return variant.available } )); return productVariant && document.querySelectorAll('[avis-swatch-product-id="' + + '"] .avis-swatch-option-select').length && document.querySelectorAll('[avis-swatch-product-id="' + + '"]').forEach((function (elemProductInfo) { if (elemProductInfo.querySelector(".avis-swatch-option-select").value =, productVariant.options.forEach((function (option, index) { null != elemProductInfo.querySelector('.avis-swatch-option[data-option-index="' + index + '"] input[value="' + Object(styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter)(option) + '"]') && elemProductInfo.querySelector('.avis-swatch-option[data-option-index="' + index + '"] input[value="' + Object(styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter)(option) + '"]').click() } )), 0 == dataOptionApp.appConfig.sort_option) { var optionInput = [] , product = productElement.product , productOptions = productElement.product.options , elemOption = elemProductInfo.querySelectorAll(".avis-swatch-option"); let elemOptionIndex = {}; elemOption.forEach((function (elemOptionItem) { var elemChecked, optionIndex = elemOptionItem.getAttribute("data-option-index"); elemOptionIndex[optionIndex] = elemOptionItem; optionInput[optionIndex] = null === (elemChecked = elemOptionItem.querySelector('input[type="radio"]:checked')) || ((elemChecked && elemChecked != null) ? elemChecked.value : false) } )); var toggleOutOfStock = function (elemOptionItem, optionIndex, isAvailable) { elemOptionItem.querySelectorAll("ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-more").length && null != elemOptionItem.querySelector("ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-more") || null != elemOptionItem.querySelector("ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-item:nth-child(".concat(optionIndex + 1, ")")) && elemOptionItem.querySelector("ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-item:nth-child(".concat(optionIndex + 1, ")")).classList.toggle("avis-out-of-stock", !isAvailable) }; elemOptionIndex && elemOptionIndex[0] && productOptions[0].values.forEach((function (optionValue, optionIndex) { toggleOutOfStock(elemOptionIndex[0], optionIndex, product.variants.some((function (variant) { return variant.option1 === optionValue && variant.available } ))), elemOptionIndex[1] && productOptions[1].values.forEach((function (optionValue, optionIndex) { toggleOutOfStock(elemOptionIndex[1], optionIndex, product.variants.some((function (variant) { return variant.option2 === optionValue && variant.option1 === optionInput[0] && variant.available } ))), elemOptionIndex[2] && productOptions[2].values.forEach((function (optionValue, optionIndex) { toggleOutOfStock(elemOptionIndex[2], optionIndex, product.variants.some((function (variant) { return variant.option3 === optionValue && variant.option1 === optionInput[0] && variant.option2 === optionInput[1] && variant.available } ))) } )) } )) } )) } } )), productElement.product } } else if (shopIdApoData === "73932832802") { if (null != productElement.element.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.productCollectionItem) && null == productElement.element.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.productCollectionItem).querySelector(`.${classSwatchCollectionsContainer}`) && 0 == productElement.element.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.productCollectionItem).querySelectorAll(".avis-swatch-collection-item").length && null == productElement.element.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.productCollectionItem).closest(".avis-swatch-collection-item")) { productElement.element.closest(dataOptionApp.selectors.productCollectionItem).classList.add("avis-swatch-collection-item"); } } } } ))); } if (dataOptionApp.cur_locale == dataOptionApp.locale) { await renderOptionProducts(); setTimeout((function () { var t = new Event(""); window.dispatchEvent(t) } ), 300); addAttrProductSelector(); bindEventButtonAddCart(); binEventDropdownlistOption(); binEventOptionValue() binEventRadioOptionValue(productElements); } } )) }() } } } if (window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id) { appStyleCollection(); } else { let index = 0; let interCollection = setInterval(function(){ index++; if (window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id) { clearInterval(interCollection); appStyleCollection(); } if (index > 1000) { clearInterval(interCollection); } }, 200); }