function apoStyleProduct() { if (window.apo_js_loaded.style_product) return; AvisOptionsConfig.featured_product_variant = [ "variant-selects[id*=variant-selects-template]", ]; AvisOptionsConfig.featured_product_url_block = [ ".featured-product section[id^='ProductInfo-template--']", ]; let AvisStyleOptions = window.AvisStyleOptions || {}; window.apo_js_loaded.style_product = true; var avisKeyShopifyOption = [ { event: "click", elem: "variant-selects .bls__product-color-swatches[data-value='{0}']", }, { event: "click", elem: ".product-options .product-options__section[data-property='{1}'] .product-options__value[data-escape='{0}']", }, ]; let apoFunction = {}; apoFunction.queryProductInfo = async function(locales, ids){ if (!ids?.length) return ""; locales = window.apoOptionLocales?.convertLocales(locales); let idsArr = []; for(let id of ids) { idsArr.push(`gid://shopify/Product/${id}`); } let idsString = idsArr.join('","'); let query = `\n query productDetails @inContext(country: ${ ?? "EN"}, language: ${locales.toUpperCase()}) {\n nodes(ids: ["${idsString}"]) {\n ... on Product {\n id\n handle\n title\n availableForSale\n options{\n name\n optionValues{\n name\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n `; return query; } apoFunction.fetchStoreFront = async function(queryData){ if (!window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.storefront_connect) return null; let root = window.Shopify && window.Shopify.routes && (window.Shopify.routes.root || window.Shopify.routes.root_url) || "/"; let url = `${root}api/${window.apoOptionLocales?.version}/graphql.json`; let data = { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token": window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.storefront_connect }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: queryData }) }; const response = await fetch(url, data); if (response.ok) { const json = await response.json(); return json; } return null; } var avisProducts = (function (e) { function n(n) { for (var t, r, a = n[0], i = n[1], c = 0, l = []; c < a.length; c++) (r = a[c]),, r) && o[r] && l.push(o[r][0]), (o[r] = 0); for (t in i), t) && (e[t] = i[t]); for (u && u(n); l.length; ) l.shift()(); } var t = {}, o = { 3: 0, }; function styleOptions(n) { if (t[n]) return t[n].exports; var o = (t[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {}, }); return ( e[n].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, styleOptions), (o.l = !0), o.exports ); } (styleOptions.e = async function (e) {}), (styleOptions.d = function (e, n, t) { styleOptions.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, { enumerable: !0, get: t, }); }), (styleOptions.r = function (e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module", }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0, }); }), (styleOptions.o = function (e, n) { return, n); }), (styleOptions.rootExtension = ""), (styleOptions.oe = function (e) { throw (console.error(e), e); }); var a = (window.AvisSwatchVariantsItem = window.AvisSwatchVariantsItem || []), i = a.push.bind(a); (a.push = n), (a = a.slice()); for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) n(a[c]); var u = i; styleOptions.getListKeyStyle = function (o) { for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < o.length; n++) { let diplayStyle = o[n].display_style; t[o[n].option_name] = diplayStyle ? diplayStyle : "button"; } return t; }; styleOptions.getListKeyStyleSwatch = function (o) { for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < o.length; n++) { let data = o[n].display_style_swatch; t[o[n].option_name] = data ? data : "variant"; } return t; }; styleOptions.getListKeyStyleCollectionSwatch = function (o) { for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < o.length; n++) { let data = o[n].display_style_collection_swatch; t[o[n].option_name] = data ? data : "variant"; } return t; }; styleOptions.getListColors = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e]?.color_1?.color && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e]?.color_1?.color); return Object.assign({}, t); }; styleOptions.getListColors2 = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e]?.color_2?.color && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e]?.color_2?.color); return Object.assign({}, t); }; styleOptions.getListColorImage = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e]?.image_file && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e]?.image_file); return Object.assign({}, t); }; styleOptions.getListColorImageUrl = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e]?.image_url && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e]?.image_url); return Object.assign({}, t); }; styleOptions.getListOrderOptions = function (o) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) t[o[n].name] = o[n].order; return Object.assign({}, t); }; styleOptions.getListKeyEnableCollection = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].enable_collection ?? false; result[option[n].option_name] = data; } return result; }; styleOptions.getListKeySwatchCollection = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].display_style_collection; result[option[n].option_name] = data ? data : "button"; } return result; }; styleOptions.getListDesignId = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].product_design_id; result[option[n].option_name] = data ? data : "button"; } return result; }; styleOptions.getListCollectionDesignId = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].collection_design_id; result[option[n].option_name] = data ? data : "collection_button"; } return result; }; styleOptions.getEnableCollection = function (option) { for (var result = {}, n = 0; n < option.length; n++) { let data = option[n].enable_collection; result[option[n].option_name] = data === false ? false : data ? data : true; } return result; }; styleOptions.getListPriority = function (o, fieldName) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < o.length; n++) for (var e = 0; e < o[n].option_values.length; e++) void 0 !== o[n].option_values[e][fieldName] && (t[o[n].option_name + "-" + o[n].option_values[e].value] = o[n].option_values[e][fieldName]); return Object.assign({}, t); }; styleOptions.imageUrl = function (url, r, t) { t = t || !1; var a = url.split(".").pop(), o = url.lastIndexOf(a) - 1; return url.slice(0, o) + "_" + r + url.slice(o); }; styleOptions.toggle = function (elem) { = "block" != getComputedStyle(elem).display ? "block" : "none"; }; styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter = function (o) { for (var t = o.split(""), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) switch (t[n]) { case "'": t[n] = t[n].replace("'", "\\'"); break; case '"': t[n] = t[n].replace('"', '\\"'); break; case "#": t[n] = t[n].replace("#", "#"); break; case "$": t[n] = t[n].replace("$", "$"); break; case "%": t[n] = t[n].replace("%", "%"); break; case "&": t[n] = t[n].replace("&", "&"); break; case "(": t[n] = t[n].replace("(", "("); break; case ")": t[n] = t[n].replace(")", ")"); break; case "*": t[n] = t[n].replace("*", "*"); break; case "+": t[n] = t[n].replace("+", "+"); break; case "/": t[n] = t[n].replace("/", "/"); break; case ":": t[n] = t[n].replace(":", ":"); break; case ";": t[n] = t[n].replace(";", ";"); break; case "<": t[n] = t[n].replace("<", "<"); break; case ">": t[n] = t[n].replace(">", ">"); break; case "=": t[n] = t[n].replace("=", "="); break; case "?": t[n] = t[n].replace("?", "?"); break; case "@": t[n] = t[n].replace("@", "@"); break; case "[": t[n] = t[n].replace("[", "["); break; case "]": t[n] = t[n].replace("]", "]"); break; case "^": t[n] = t[n].replace("^", "^"); break; case "`": t[n] = t[n].replace("`", "`"); break; case "{": t[n] = t[n].replace("{", "{"); break; case "|": t[n] = t[n].replace("|", "|"); break; case "}": t[n] = t[n].replace("}", "}"); break; case "~": t[n] = t[n].replace("~", "~"); break; default: t[n] = t[n]; } return t.join(""); }; styleOptions.formatMoney = function (e, t = true, a = true) { var r = AvisStyleOptions.moneyFormat; function o(e, r) { return void 0 === e ? r : e; } function n(e, r, t, a, n) { if ( ((r = o(r, 2)), (t = o(t, ",")), (a = o(a, ".")), isNaN(e) || null == e) ) return 0; var i = (e = (e / 100).toFixed(r)).split("."); return ( i[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1" + t) + (i[1] && (n || parseInt(i[1]) > 0) ? a + i[1] : "") ); } "string" == typeof e && (e = e.replace(".", "")); var i = "", s = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/, c = r; switch (c.match(s)[1]) { case "amount": i = n(e, 2, ",", ".", a); break; case "amount_no_decimals": i = n(e, 0, ",", ".", a); break; case "amount_with_comma_separator": i = n(e, 2, ".", ",", a); break; case "amount_with_space_separator": i = n(e, 2, " ", ",", a); break; case "amount_with_period_and_space_separator": i = n(e, 2, " ", ".", a); break; case "amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator": i = n(e, 0, ".", ",", a); break; case "amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator": i = n(e, 0, " ", "", a); break; case "amount_with_space_separator": i = n(e, 2, " ", ",", a); break; case "amount_with_apostrophe_separator": i = n(e, 2, "'", ".", a); } return t ? c.replace(s, i) : i; }; styleOptions.configAppPage = function () { let config = window.ap_front_settings?.config["config_app"]; if (config && config.shopify_option) { config.shopify_option["app_v"] = window.ap_front_settings?.config["app_v"] ?? "v1"; config.shopify_option["sort_option"] = false; return config.shopify_option; } return { app_v: window.ap_front_settings?.config["app_v"] ?? "v1", sort_option: false, setting: { s_show_product_page: false, s_show_collection_page: false, s_show_button_addcart: false, s_is_addcart_ajax: false, s_show_option_name_product: true, s_show_option_name_collection: true, s_show_limit_number_swatch: false, s_limit_number_swatch: 5, s_show_tooltip_collection: true, s_show_tooltip_product: true, s_show_quickview: false, s_show_featured_product: false, tooltip_product_image: true }, localization: { add_to_cart: "Add to cart", added_to_cart: "Added to cart", sold_out: "Sold out", }, }; }; return styleOptions((styleOptions.s = 0)); })([ function (e, objectData, styleOptionsPlugin) { (styleOptionsPlugin.rootExtension = AvisStyleOptions.rootExtension), ("product" != && "index" != && "collection" != && "search" != || renderOptionForProductPage(styleOptionsPlugin); }, ]); function renderOptionForProductPage(styleOptions) { function hoverTooltip (optionValueSelector) { optionValueSelector.addEventListener("mouseover", function (event) { let avisContainerSelector = optionValueSelector.closest( `.avis-swatch-product-container` ), avisPosition = avisContainerSelector.getBoundingClientRect(); // t let swatchPosition = optionValueSelector.getBoundingClientRect(); let tooltipSelector = optionValueSelector.querySelector( ".apo-swatch-tooltip" ); if (tooltipSelector) { document.querySelectorAll(".apo-swatch-tooltip").forEach((item) => { item.classList.remove("avis-varians-hover"); }); tooltipSelector.classList.add("avis-varians-hover"); } let tooltipArrowSelector = optionValueSelector.querySelector(".apo-swatch-arrow"); let arrowHeight = tooltipArrowSelector?.getBoundingClientRect()?.height || 0; if (tooltipSelector) { let tooltipPosition = tooltipSelector.getBoundingClientRect(); if (swatchPosition.left < avisPosition.left) { tooltipSelector.setAttribute("style","left: 50%"); return; } let positionRight = window.innerWidth - avisPosition.right; let swatchRight = window.innerWidth - swatchPosition.right; let swatchHaft = swatchPosition.width / 2; let tooltipHaft = tooltipPosition.width / 2; let calPositionLeft = swatchPosition.left - avisPosition.left + swatchHaft; if (calPositionLeft < tooltipHaft) { tooltipSelector.setAttribute("style", `left: calc(50% + ${ tooltipHaft - (swatchPosition.left - avisPosition.left + swatchHaft) }px) !important;`); } else { calPositionLeft = swatchRight - positionRight + swatchHaft; if (calPositionLeft < tooltipHaft) { tooltipSelector.setAttribute("style", `left: calc(50% - ${ tooltipHaft - (swatchRight - positionRight + swatchHaft) }px) !important;`); } else tooltipSelector.setAttribute("style","left: 50%"); } let tooltipHeight = tooltipPosition.height; let calTop = - arrowHeight; if (tooltipHeight > calTop) { tooltipSelector.classList.remove("apo-swatch-tooltip-top"); tooltipSelector.classList.add("apo-swatch-tooltip-bottom"); tooltipArrowSelector.classList.remove("apo-swatch-arrow-top"); tooltipArrowSelector.classList.add("apo-swatch-arrow-bottom"); } else { tooltipSelector.classList.remove("apo-swatch-tooltip-bottom"); tooltipSelector.classList.add("apo-swatch-tooltip-top"); tooltipArrowSelector.classList.remove("apo-swatch-arrow-bottom"); tooltipArrowSelector.classList.add("apo-swatch-arrow-top"); } } }); } function applyTooltipImage(showTooltip, showTooltipImage, imgUrl, title) { if (!showTooltip) return ""; let html = ""; html += `
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`; html += `` return html; } var apoChangeSelect = null; let formProductPage = document.querySelector("form[id^='product_form_']"); if (formProductPage && window.apoChangeVariation) { apoChangeSelect = new window.apoChangeVariation(formProductPage); } var linkHttp = window.Shopify && window.Shopify.routes && window.Shopify.routes.root ? window.Shopify.routes.root : "/"; var classSwatchProductPageContainer = "avis-swatch-product-container"; let optionsSwatchConfig = AvisStyleOptions; optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig = styleOptions.configAppPage(); if ( !optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.setting.s_show_product_page || !optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.app_v || optionsSwatchConfig.appConfig.app_v.indexOf("v2") === -1 ) { return; } if (!optionsSwatchConfig?.product_ids_option?.length && !optionsSwatchConfig?.style_options?.length && AvisStyleOptions.plan !== "OLD") return; if ( == "product" && optionsSwatchConfig?.product_ids_option.length > 0 && !optionsSwatchConfig?.product_ids_option.includes(`${optionsSwatchConfig?.product?.id}`)) return; renderOptionVariantsProductPage(optionsSwatchConfig); let currentVariantId = null; function renderOptionVariantsProductPage(dataOptionApp) { let setIntervalVariantId = setInterval(function(){ let formAddToCart = document.querySelector(AvisStyleOptions.formAddToCart.join(',')); if (formAddToCart) { let variantIdSelector = formAddToCart.querySelector('[name="id"]'); if (variantIdSelector) { clearInterval(setIntervalVariantId); function changePriceByVariant(){ let variantIdLastest = formAddToCart.querySelector('[name="id"]'); if (variantIdLastest && variantIdLastest.value !== currentVariantId) { currentVariantId = variantIdLastest.value; let productVariant = dataOptionApp.product.variants.find((item) => == currentVariantId); if (productVariant) { let listOptionPriceSelector = document.querySelectorAll('.avis-design-swatch_price .avis-option-value-item'); listOptionPriceSelector.forEach((item) => { let indexOption = item.closest(".avis-design-swatch_price")?.getAttribute("data-option-index") ?? 0; let optionValue = item.getAttribute('data-value'); let optionData = { option1: productVariant.option1, option2: productVariant.option2, option3: productVariant.option3 }; optionData[`option${parseInt(indexOption)+1}`] = optionValue; let findVariantPrice = dataOptionApp.product.variants.find((item) => item.option1 == optionData.option1 && item.option2 == optionData.option2 && item.option3 == optionData.option3); if (findVariantPrice) { let inputSelector = item.querySelector("input[id^='avis-option-value-item']"); if (inputSelector) { inputSelector.setAttribute("data-price", findVariantPrice.price); inputSelector.setAttribute("data-variantid",; } let priceSelector = item.querySelector(".avis-swatch-value-price"); if (priceSelector) { priceSelector.innerHTML = styleOptions.formatMoney(findVariantPrice.price); } } }); } } } new MutationObserver(() => { changePriceByVariant(); }).observe(variantIdSelector, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, }); setTimeout(() => { changePriceByVariant(); }, 500); } } }, 200); var binEventDropDownList = async function (classContainer) { if (!classContainer) { classContainer = classSwatchProductPageContainer; } document.addEventListener("click", function () { document .querySelectorAll(`.${classContainer} ul.avis-dropdown-option`) .forEach(function (t) { if ("block" == getComputedStyle(t).display) { Object(styleOptions.toggle)(t); } }); }); document.querySelectorAll( `.${classContainer} ul.avis-dropdown-option` ).length && (document .querySelectorAll(`.${classContainer} .avis-swatch-drop-down`) .forEach(function (t) { t.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), Object(styleOptions.toggle)(t.nextElementSibling); }); }), document .querySelectorAll( `.${classContainer} ul.avis-dropdown-option li.avis-style-value-dropdownlist` ) .forEach(function (t) { t.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), Object(styleOptions.toggle)( t.closest("ul.avis-dropdown-option") ), (t.querySelector('input[type="radio"]').checked = true), t .querySelector('input[type="radio"]') .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")); }); })); }, createVariantContainer = function () { if ( 0 == document.querySelectorAll(`.${classSwatchProductPageContainer}`) .length ) { var swatchVariantContainer = document.createElement("div"); swatchVariantContainer.classList.add( classSwatchProductPageContainer ); let selectorVariant = document.querySelector( dataOptionApp.selectors.selectOptionDetail ); if (selectorVariant) { selectorVariant.parentNode.insertBefore( swatchVariantContainer, selectorVariant ); } } }, hideShopifyVariants = async function () { document .querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors.selectOptionDetail + "," + dataOptionApp.selectors.selectOptionDetailExtensionHide ) .forEach(function (t) { return t.setAttribute("style", "display:none !important"); // = "none !important" }), document.querySelector(".product__sticky dl.price") && (document.querySelector( ".product__sticky dl.price" ).style.display = "none"), document.querySelector( ".product__sticky .avis-product-swatch-price" ) && (document.querySelector( ".product__sticky .avis-product-swatch-price" ).style.display = "block"), setTimeout(function () { document.querySelectorAll(".selector-wrapper select").length && document .querySelectorAll( ".selector-wrapper:not(.product-qty) select" ) .forEach(function (t) { return t.setAttribute("style", "display:none !important"); }); }, 300); }, showStock = async function (e) { if ( ("enable" == dataOptionApp.stock || 1 == dataOptionApp.stock) && 0 == dataOptionApp.enable_mandatory && "shopify" == e.inventory_management ) { var o = null == e ? void 0 : e.inventory_quantity; void 0 !== o && (document.querySelector(".avis-number-stock-variant").innerText = dataOptionApp.stock_message.replace("{number}", o)); } }, binEventOptionVariants = async function (variants, classContainer) { if (!classContainer) classContainer = classSwatchProductPageContainer; if (variants.length > 0) { var toggleOutOfStocks = function (e) { var elemOptions = document.querySelectorAll( `.${classContainer} .avis-swatch-option` ), optionWidthValues = dataOptionApp.options_with_values, toggleOutOfStock = function (elemOption, e, o) { null != elemOption.querySelector( "ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-item:nth-child(".concat( e + 1, ")" ) ) && elemOption .querySelector( "ul.avis-option-values li.avis-option-value-item:nth-child(".concat( e + 1, ")" ) ) .classList.toggle("avis-out-of-stock", !o); }; elemOptions && elemOptions[0] && optionWidthValues[0].values.forEach(function (n, u) { toggleOutOfStock( elemOptions[0], u, dataOptionApp.product.variants.some(function (t) { return t.option1 === n && t.available; }) ), void 0 !== e[0] && elemOptions[1] && optionWidthValues[1].values.forEach(function (n, u) { toggleOutOfStock( elemOptions[1], u, dataOptionApp.product.variants.some(function (t) { return ( t.option2 === n && t.option1 === e[0] && t.available ); }) ), void 0 !== e[1] && elemOptions[2] && optionWidthValues[2].values.forEach(function ( r, n ) { toggleOutOfStock( elemOptions[2], n, dataOptionApp.product.variants.some(function ( t ) { return ( t.option3 === r && t.option1 === e[0] && t.option2 === e[1] && t.available ); }) ); }); }); }); }; setTimeout(function () { dataOptionApp.group_image && dataOptionApp.cur_locale == dataOptionApp.locale && (function () { if ( document.querySelectorAll(".avis-variant-color-detail") .length && dataOptionApp.product.variants.length > 1 ) { for ( var e = "", o = 0; o < dataOptionApp.product.options.length; o++ ) { var c = dataOptionApp.optionsApp.find(function (e) { return == dataOptionApp.product.options[o]; }); (1 != c.display_style && 2 != c.display_style) || (e = "option" + (o + 1)); } for ( var n = dataOptionApp.curVariant[e], u = 0; u < dataOptionApp.selectors.productThumbnailsImageSelector .length; u++ ) document .querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors .productThumbnailsImageSelector[u] ) .forEach(function (t) { return t.classList.add("avis-sw-media--hide"); }); for ( var l = [], a = [], d = ((u = 0), dataOptionApp.product.variants.length); u < d; u++ ) { var i = t.product.variants[u]; -1 == l.indexOf(i[e]) && (l.push(i[e]), i.featured_media && (a[i.featured_media.position] = i[e])); } if ( (a.forEach(function (e, o) { if (void 0 !== e) for ( var r = o - 1, c =; r < c; r++ ) for ( var n = 0; n < dataOptionApp.selectors .productThumbnailsImageSelector.length; n++ ) { var u; null === (u = document.querySelectorAll( t.selectors.productThumbnailsImageSelector[n] )[r]) || void 0 === u || u.setAttribute("data-color", e); } }), -1 != l.indexOf(n)) ) for ( u = 0; u < dataOptionApp.selectors.productThumbnailsImageSelector .length; u++ ) document .querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors .productThumbnailsImageSelector[u] + '[data-color="' + Object(styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter)(n) + '"]' ) .forEach(function (t) { return t.classList.remove("avis-sw-media--hide"); }); for ( u = 0; u < dataOptionApp.selectors.productThumbnailsImageSelector .length; u++ ) document .querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors .productThumbnailsImageSelector[u] ) .forEach(function (t, e) { void 0 === t.getAttribute("data-color") && (t.classList.remove("avis-sw-media--hide"), t.setAttribute("data-color", "AllColors")); }); } })(); }, 300), (function () { var l = []; if (0 == dataOptionApp.appConfig.sort_option) { var o = "", n = "", u = ""; l = []; dataOptionApp.product.variants.forEach(function (e) { dataOptionApp.curVariant && && === && (e, (o = e.option1), (n = e.option2), (u = e.option3)); }), toggleOutOfStocks((l = [o, n, u])); } document .querySelectorAll( `.${classContainer} .avis-option-values .avis-option-value-item input[type="radio"]` ) .forEach(function (elemOptionValue) { elemOptionValue.addEventListener("change", function (d) { for ( var productForm, elemOption = document.querySelectorAll( `.${classContainer} .avis-swatch-option` ), existOption = true, elemOptionIndex = 0; elemOptionIndex < elemOption.length; elemOptionIndex++ ) 0 == elemOption[elemOptionIndex].querySelectorAll( 'input[type="radio"]:checked' ).length && (existOption = false); var k = elemOptionValue .closest(`.${classContainer} .avis-swatch-option`) .querySelector(".avis-option-name") .getAttribute("data-name"), optionIndex = elemOptionValue .closest(`.${classContainer} .avis-swatch-option`) .getAttribute("data-option-index"), x = elemOptionValue.getAttribute("data-variantid"), mediaId = elemOptionValue.getAttribute("data-mediaid"), O = Object(styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter)( elemOptionValue.value ), optionValueChecked = elemOptionValue.value, optionIndex1 = parseInt(optionIndex) + 1, optionIndex2 = optionIndex1 + 1; if ( window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "80577003848" || window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "26860880045" ) { k = k?.toLocaleLowerCase(); } let apoOptionShopify = null; apoOptionShopify = document.querySelector( `.product-form__option label.block-swatch__item[title='${O}']` ); if (apoOptionShopify) {; apoOptionShopify.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("click") ); if ( window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "6122176594" ) { return; } } void 0 !== (null === (productForm = elemOptionValue.closest( 'form[action*="/cart/add"]' )) || void 0 === productForm ? void 0 : productForm.querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors.singleOptionSelector )[optionIndex]) && ((elemOptionValue .closest('form[action*="/cart/add"]') .querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors.singleOptionSelector )[optionIndex].value = optionValueChecked), setTimeout(function () { elemOptionValue .closest('form[action*="/cart/add"]') .querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors.singleOptionSelector ) [optionIndex].dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ); }, 300)), // Trigger checked option value of shopify variant (With multi template theme) setTimeout(function () { null != document.getElementById("SingleOptionSelector-0") && document .getElementById("SingleOptionSelector-0") .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")), null != document.getElementById( "SingleOptionSelector-1" ) && document .getElementById("SingleOptionSelector-1") .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")), null != document.getElementById( "SingleOptionSelector-2" ) && document .getElementById("SingleOptionSelector-2") .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change")), null != document.getElementById( "SingleOptionSelector-0" ) && document .getElementById("SingleOptionSelector-0") .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ), null != document.getElementById( "SingleOptionSelector-1" ) && document .getElementById("SingleOptionSelector-1") .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ), null != document.getElementById( "SingleOptionSelector-2" ) && document .getElementById("SingleOptionSelector-2") .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ), null != document.getElementById( "ProductSelect-product-template-option-0" ) && document .getElementById( "ProductSelect-product-template-option-0" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ), null != document.getElementById( "ProductSelect-product-template-option-1" ) && document .getElementById( "ProductSelect-product-template-option-1" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ), null != document.getElementById( "ProductSelect-product-template-option-2" ) && document .getElementById( "ProductSelect-product-template-option-2" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ); let variantOptionSelector = null; try { let variantShopifyOption = document.querySelector( `.product_variant_options .product-selector-option ul .variant-option input.product-option[value='${O}']` ); variantShopifyOption && (, variantShopifyOption.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { let variantColorInput = document.querySelector( `.single-option-selector__wrap-option input[name="${k.toLowerCase()}"][value="${O}"]` ); variantColorInput && (, variantColorInput.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { for (let keyItem of avisKeyShopifyOption) { let selectorOption = document.querySelector( keyItem.elem.replace("{0}", O).replace("{1}", k) ); if (selectorOption) { if (keyItem.event === "click") {; } } } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { let variantSelector = document.querySelector( 'button.popover-listbox__option[value="' + O + '"]' ); variantSelector && (, variantSelector.dispatchEvent( new Event("change") )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } let optionSelectData = document.querySelector( '.select-popout__option[data-value="' + O + '"]' ); try { if (null != optionSelectData) { if ( window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "75064181053" ) {; return; } else {; optionSelectData.dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) ); } } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { optionSelectData = document.querySelector( `[data-node-type='add-to-cart-option-list'] select[name='option${optionIndex1}']` ); if (optionSelectData) { let optionsSelect = optionSelectData.querySelectorAll("option"); let valueChecked = optionValueChecked; for (let item of optionsSelect) { if (item.innerText === optionValueChecked) { valueChecked = item.value; } } optionSelectData.value = valueChecked; //optionValueChecked ? optionValueChecked?.toLocaleLowerCase()?.split(" ").join("-") : ""; if ( window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "87942856985" && apoChangeSelect ) { apoChangeSelect?.changeVariation(); } } optionSelectData = document.querySelector( `.product_variant_options .product-selector-option select.option-${optionIndex1}` ); if (optionSelectData) { optionSelectData.value = optionValueChecked; optionSelectData.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("change") ); } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( 'variant-selects select.product-meta-option[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( 'variant-selects select.product-meta-option[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( 'variant-selects select.product-meta-option[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ) .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change"))); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.single-option-selector[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.single-option-selector[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.single-option-selector[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ) .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change"))); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( "fieldset.product-variant-picker-block .variant-input input.custom-input" ) && (document .querySelector( 'fieldset.product-variant-picker-block .variant-input input.custom-input[name="options[' + k + ']"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( 'fieldset.product-variant-picker-block .variant-input input.custom-input[name="options[' + k + ']"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.js-single-option-selector[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.js-single-option-selector[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.js-single-option-selector[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( '.variant-picker-block .selector-wrapper.product-form__item select[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.variant-picker-block .selector-wrapper.product-form__item select[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.variant-picker-block .selector-wrapper.product-form__item select[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )), null != document.getElementById( "Option-product-" + optionIndex ) && ((document.getElementById( "Option-product-" + optionIndex ).value = j), document .getElementById("Option-product-" + optionIndex) .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change"))); try { null != document.querySelector( '.product-form__option[data-selector-type="select"] select' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.product-form__option[data-selector-type="select"] select' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.product-form__option[data-selector-type="select"] select' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '#nt_variations .swatches-select[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] a[data-val="' + O.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "-") + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '#nt_variations .swatches-select[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] a[data-val="' + O.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "-") + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '#nt_variations .swatches-select[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] a[data-val="' + O.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "-") + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.block-swatch__radio[name="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.block-swatch__radio[name="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.product-options__section[data-property="' + k.toLowerCase() + '"] .product-options__value[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.product-options__section[data-property="' + k.toLowerCase() + '"] .product-options__value[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.product-options[data-section-name="' + k + '"] .js-option[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.product-options[data-section-name="' + k + '"] .js-option[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.product-options[data-section-name="' + k + '"] .js-option[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.option-selectors .option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] .cc-select' ) && document .querySelector( '.option-selectors .option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] .cc-select' ) .click(), setTimeout(function () { null != document.querySelector( '.option-selectors .option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] .cc-select__listbox .cc-select__option.js-option[data-value="' + O + '"][role=option]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.option-selectors .option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] .cc-select__listbox .cc-select__option.js-option[data-value="' + O + '"][role="option"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.option-selectors .option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] .cc-select__listbox .cc-select__option.js-option[data-value="' + O + '"][role=option]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); }, 300); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { // Theme Boost let variantsWrapper = document.querySelector( '.product-detail__options .option-selector[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"] > .cc-select' ); if (variantsWrapper != null) { let currentSelected = variantsWrapper.querySelector( ".cc-select__listbox .cc-select__option[aria-selected='true']" ); let newOptionSelected = variantsWrapper.querySelector( '.cc-select__listbox .cc-select__option[data-value="' + O + '"]' ); if ( newOptionSelected && currentSelected && newOptionSelected !== currentSelected ) { const detail = { selectedValue: optionValueChecked, }; newOptionSelected.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "true" ); currentSelected.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "false" ); variantsWrapper.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("change", { bubbles: true, detail, }) ); } } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { // Theme Boost let variantsWrapper = document.querySelector('.option-selectors .option-selector .cc-select'); if (variantsWrapper != null) { let currentSelected = variantsWrapper.querySelector( ".cc-select__listbox .cc-select__option[aria-selected='true']" ); let newOptionSelected = variantsWrapper.querySelector( '.cc-select__listbox .cc-select__option[data-value="' + O + '"]' ); if ( newOptionSelected && currentSelected && newOptionSelected !== currentSelected ) { const detail = { selectedValue: optionValueChecked, }; newOptionSelected.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "true" ); currentSelected.setAttribute( "aria-selected", "false" ); variantsWrapper.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("change", { bubbles: true, detail, }) ); } } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.pt-options-swatch a[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.pt-options-swatch a[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.selector-wrapper[data-select-position="' + optionIndex1 + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.selector-wrapper[data-select-position="' + T + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { let findOptionSelector = document.querySelector(`variant-picker .option-selector:nth-child(${optionIndex1}):not([data-option-index]) .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="${O}"]`); if (findOptionSelector) {; } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.option-selector[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"] .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.option-selector[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"] .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.option-selector[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"] .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( ".product-options .product-option.form-group[data-product-option-" + optionIndex + '] .form-check input.form-check-input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( ".product-options .product-option.form-group[data-product-option-" + optionIndex + '] .form-check input.form-check-input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( ".product-options .product-option.form-group[data-product-option-" + optionIndex + '] .form-check input.form-check-input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } // Click variant with dawn theme try { null != document.querySelector( 'input[value="' + O + '"][name="' + k + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( 'input[value="' + O + '"][name="' + k + '"]' ) .click(), (document.querySelector( 'input[value="' + O + '"][name="' + k + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( 'input[value="' + O + '"][name="' + k + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: true }) ), document .querySelector( 'input[value="' + O + '"][name="' + k + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) ), setTimeout(function () { var e, o, c = null === (e = elemOptionValue.closest( 'form[action*="/cart/add"]' )) || void 0 === e || null === (o = e.querySelector('[name="id"]')) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.value; dataOptionApp.curVariant = dataOptionApp.product.variants.find(function ( t ) { return == c; }); if (dataOptionApp.curVariant) { mediaId = dataOptionApp.curVariant?.featured_media ?.id; if (!mediaId) mediaId = null; else { mediaId && document.querySelector( ".thumbItem.slick-slide[data-media-id*='main-" + mediaId + "']" ) && document .querySelector( ".thumbItem.slick-slide[data-media-id*='main-" + mediaId + "']" ) .click(); } } }, 300), mediaId && document.querySelector( ".thumbItem.slick-slide[data-media-id*='main-" + mediaId + "']" ) && document .querySelector( ".thumbItem.slick-slide[data-media-id*='main-" + mediaId + "']" ) .click()); // theme:Petmate-index-3 } catch (t) { console.log(t); } // theme Dawn 15.2.0 try { null != document.querySelector( `section:has(.${classContainer}) ` + 'input[value="' + O + '"][name*="' + k + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( `section:has(.${classContainer}) ` + 'input[value="' + O + '"][name*="' + k + '"]' ) .click(), (document.querySelector( `section:has(.${classContainer}) ` + 'input[value="' + O + '"][name*="' + k + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( `section:has(.${classContainer}) ` + 'input[value="' + O + '"][name*="' + k + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: true }) ), document .querySelector( `section:has(.${classContainer}) ` + 'input[value="' + O + '"][name*="' + k + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.swatches-wrapper .swatch[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] input.wetheme-custom-radio[value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.swatches-wrapper .swatch[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] input.wetheme-custom-radio[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.swatches-wrapper .swatch[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"] input.wetheme-custom-radio[value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.product__variants-swatches .swatch[data-option-index="' + optionIndex1 + '"] .swatch-element input.swatches__form--input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.product__variants-swatches .swatch[data-option-index="' + optionIndex1 + '"] .swatch-element input.swatches__form--input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.product__variants-swatches .swatch[data-option-index="' + optionIndex1 + '"] .swatch-element input.swatches__form--input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( ".product-options fieldset.option-selector:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ') .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( ".product-options fieldset.option-selector:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ') .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( ".product-options fieldset.option-selector:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ') .option-selector__btns input.opt-btn[value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.product-form__option button[data-button="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.product-form__option button[data-button="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.option-value-input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.option-value-input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector('variant-radios fieldset span.variants-parent[tooltip="' + O + '"] label') && (document.querySelector('variant-radios fieldset span.variants-parent[tooltip="' + O + '"] label').click(), document.querySelector('variant-radios fieldset span.variants-parent[tooltip="' + O + '"] label').dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.product__swatches span[data-swatch-option="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.product__swatches span[data-swatch-option="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.pf-option-swatches .pf-vs-radio[data-option-name="' + k + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.pf-option-swatches .pf-vs-radio[data-option-name="' + k + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.pf-option-swatches .pf-vs-radio[data-option-name="' + k + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.option-values input.option-value-input[value="' + O + '"][data-product-option="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.option-values input.option-value-input[value="' + O + '"][data-product-option="option' + T + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.tt-options-swatch a[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.tt-options-swatch a[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.tt-options-swatch a[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.product-options__option[data-product-option="' + k + '"] .product-option-item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.product-options__option[data-product-option="' + k + '"] .product-option-item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.product-options__option[data-product-option="' + k + '"] .product-option-item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.pg__option[data-index="' + optionIndex + '"] a[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.pg__option[data-index="' + C + '"] a[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.pg__option[data-index="' + optionIndex + '"] a[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { if ( window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "88267751709" ) { let nameOption = `${k}-${optionIndex1}`; null != document.querySelector( '.product-form__input input[name*="' + nameOption + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.product-form__input input[name*="' + nameOption + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } else { null != document.querySelector( '.product-form__input input[name*="' + k + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.product-form__input input[name*="' + k + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( 'input.form-radio[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'input.form-radio[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( '.product-details__option-wrapper select[data-product-option="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.product-details__option-wrapper select[data-product-option="' + optionIndex + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.product-details__option-wrapper select[data-product-option="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); try { null != document.querySelector( '.product-options__option[data-product-option="' + k + '"] select.sf-product-variant-option-dropdown' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.product-options__option[data-product-option="' + k + '"] select.sf-product-variant-option-dropdown' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.product-options__option[data-product-option="' + k + '"] select.sf-product-variant-option-dropdown' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( ".product-block--variant_picker .variant-picker .options-selector .option-dropdown:nth-child(" + optionIndex2 + ") select.input-select__select" ) && ((document.querySelector( ".product-block--variant_picker .variant-picker .options-selector .option-dropdown:nth-child(" + optionIndex2 + ") select.input-select__select" ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( ".product-block--variant_picker .variant-picker .options-selector .option-dropdown:nth-child(" + optionIndex2 + ") select.input-select__select" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( "form.f8pr.cart-initialized .no-zindex" + optionIndex2 + ") .select-wrapper select" ) && ((document.querySelector( "form.f8pr.cart-initialized .no-zindex" + optionIndex2 + ") .select-wrapper select" ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( "form.f8pr.cart-initialized .no-zindex" + optionIndex2 + ") .select-wrapper select" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.getElementById( "option-" + k.toLowerCase() ) && ((document.getElementById( "option-" + k.toLowerCase() ).value = j), document .getElementById("option-" + k.toLowerCase()) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.getElementById( "data-variant-option-" + optionIndex ) && ((document.getElementById( "data-variant-option-" + optionIndex ).value = optionValueChecked), setTimeout(function () { document .getElementById( "data-variant-option-" + optionIndex ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ); }, 300)); try { null != document.querySelector( 'input.product-variant__input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'input.product-variant__input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.radios--container .radios--input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.radios--container .radios--input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); 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variantOptionSelector.dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ); } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { !variantOptionSelector && null != document.querySelector( 'select[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( 'select[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( 'select[name="options[' + k + ']"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.selector-wrapper[data-option-position="' + optionIndex1 + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.selector-wrapper[data-option-position="' + optionIndex1 + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.pf-variant-select[data-key="' + k + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.pf-variant-select[data-key="' + k + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.pf-variant-select[data-key="' + k + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.pf-variant-select[data-option-name="' + k + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.pf-variant-select[data-option-name="' + k + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.pf-variant-select[data-option-name="' + k + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( "#" + k + ".single-option-selector" ) && ((document.querySelector( "#" + k + ".single-option-selector" ).value = j), document .querySelector( "#" + k + ".single-option-selector" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) {} try { null != document.querySelector( 'input[data-single-option-selector][data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'input[data-single-option-selector][data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '[data-block-type="variant-picker"] .variant-picker__option-values input[name="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '[data-block-type="variant-picker"] .variant-picker__option-values input[name="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); 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for (let item of variantPickerSpans) { if ( Object(styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter)( item.innerText ) === O ) {; const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` div[data-block-type="variant-picker"]{display:none !important;} `; document.head.appendChild(style); break; } } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { let variantPickerSpans = document.querySelectorAll( "variant-picker .product-form__option-selector .block-swatch label" ); for (let item of variantPickerSpans) { if ( Object(styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter)( item.innerText ) === O ) {; const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` div[data-block-type="variant-picker"]{display:none !important;} `; document.head.appendChild(style); break; } } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( 'variant-selects .selector-type-radio[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'variant-selects .selector-type-radio[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.product-info__variant-picker .variant-picker__option-values input[name="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.product-info__variant-picker .variant-picker__option-values input[name="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( '.swatch-element input[value="' + x + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.swatch-element input[value="' + x + '"]' ) .click(), null != document.querySelector( '.product-variants[data-product-option="' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.product-variants[data-product-option="' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.product-variants[data-product-option="' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change"))); try { null != document.querySelector( '.product-option-selector input[name="option-' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.product-option-selector input[name="option-' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); 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} try { null != document.querySelector( 'input[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'input[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.single-option-radio[data-option="option' + optionIndex1 + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.single-option-radio[data-option="option' + optionIndex1 + '"] input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( '.single-option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.single-option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.single-option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); try { null != document.querySelector( ".option-selectors .selector-wrapper:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ") select" ) && ((document.querySelector( ".option-selectors .selector-wrapper:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ") select" ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( ".option-selectors .selector-wrapper:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ") select" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( ".ecom-product-single__variant-picker--main .ecom-product-single__picker-option-colours select" ) && ((document.querySelector( ".ecom-product-single__variant-picker--main .ecom-product-single__picker-option-colours select" ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( ".ecom-product-single__variant-picker--main .ecom-product-single__picker-option-colours select" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { let currentOption = document.querySelector(`variant-picker .option-selector:nth-child(${optionIndex1}) custom-select button.custom-select__btn > span`); if (currentOption) { currentOption.textContent = optionValueChecked; currentOption.dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ); return; } // null != // document.querySelector( // "variant-picker custom-select button.custom-select__btn > span" // ) && // ((document.querySelector( // "variant-picker custom-select button.custom-select__btn > span" // ).textContent = optionValueChecked), // document // .querySelector( // "variant-picker custom-select button.custom-select__btn > span" // ) // .dispatchEvent( // new Event("change", { // bubbles: !0, // }) // )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( '.single-option-selector__radio[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.single-option-selector__radio[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); try { null != document.querySelector( '[name="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '[name="option' + optionIndex + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( "ProductSelect-option-" + optionIndex + ' input[type="radio"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( "ProductSelect-option-" + optionIndex + ' input[type="radio"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.option-values .option-value-input[data-product-option="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.option-values .option-value-input[data-product-option="option' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { if ( window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "57613123674" || window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "81703764315" || window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "88112464167" ) { null != document.querySelector( '.product-form__input input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.product-form__input input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( '.variant-picker__option input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.variant-picker__option input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( 'variant-picker .variant-radios input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'variant-picker .variant-radios input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( 'options-selection .options-selection__option-values input[value="' + O + '"][data-variant-option-value-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'options-selection .options-selection__option-values input[value="' + O + '"][data-variant-option-value-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( 'variant-picker .variant-picker__option-values input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'variant-picker .variant-picker__option-values input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( '.variant-wrapper.variant-wrapper--dropdown .variant-input-wrap select[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.variant-wrapper.variant-wrapper--dropdown .variant-input-wrap select[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.variant-wrapper.variant-wrapper--dropdown .variant-input-wrap select[data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )), null != document.getElementById( "SingleOptionSelector-" + + "-option-" + optionIndex ) && ((document.getElementById( "SingleOptionSelector-" + + "-option-" + optionIndex ).value = optionValueChecked), document .getElementById( "SingleOptionSelector-" + + "-option-" + optionIndex ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); try { null != document.querySelector( ".product-variants .product-variant:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ") select.product-variant-container" ) && ((document.querySelector( ".product-variants .product-variant:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ") select.product-variant-container" ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( ".product-variants .product-variant:nth-child(" + optionIndex1 + ") select.product-variant-container" ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( "#product-content #add-to-cart #selector-" + optionIndex + " select" ) && ((document.querySelector( "#product-content #add-to-cart #selector-" + optionIndex + " select" ).value = j), document .querySelector( "#product-content #add-to-cart #selector-" + optionIndex + " select" ) .dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))), null != document.querySelector( '.variant-group-multiple select.product-single__variants[data-opnum="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) && (document.querySelector( '.variant-group-multiple select.product-single__variants[data-opnum="' + optionIndex + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), null != document.querySelector( "form.shopify-product-form .select select#productSelect-option-" + optionIndex ) && ((document.querySelector( "form.shopify-product-form .select select#productSelect-option-" + optionIndex ).value = optionValueChecked), null != document.querySelector( "select#productSelect-option-0" ) && document .querySelector( "select#productSelect-option-0" ) .dispatchEvent(new Event("change")), null != document.querySelector( "select#productSelect-option-1" ) && document .querySelector( "select#productSelect-option-1" ) .dispatchEvent(new Event("change")), null != document.querySelector( "select#productSelect-option-2" ) && document .querySelector( "select#productSelect-option-2" ) .dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))), null != document.querySelector( '.form-field-select-wrapper .form-field-select[data-product-option="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.form-field-select-wrapper .form-field-select[data-product-option="' + optionIndex + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.form-field-select-wrapper .form-field-select[data-product-option="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))), null != document.querySelector( '.form-field-select-wrapper .form-field-select[data-variant-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) && ((document.querySelector( '.form-field-select-wrapper .form-field-select[data-variant-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), document .querySelector( '.form-field-select-wrapper .form-field-select[data-variant-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))), null != document.querySelector( '.product-options .select-wrapper .single-option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ) && (document.querySelector( '.product-options .select-wrapper .single-option-selector[data-option-index="' + optionIndex + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), null != document.querySelector( '.ProductForm__Variants .ProductForm__Option input[data-option-position="' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.ProductForm__Variants .ProductForm__Option input[data-option-position="' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( '.ProductForm__Variants .ProductForm__Option input[data-option-position="' + optionIndex1 + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); try { null != document.querySelector( '.Popover__ValueList .Popover__Value[data-option-position="' + optionIndex1 + '"][data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.Popover__ValueList .Popover__Value[data-option-position="' + optionIndex1 + '"][data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( ".gf_swatches .gf_swatches-selector.gf_swatches-option" + optionIndex1 + ' span.gf_swatch[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( ".gf_swatches .gf_swatches-selector.gf_swatches-option" + optionIndex1 + ' span.gf_swatch[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), document .querySelector( ".gf_swatches .gf_swatches-selector.gf_swatches-option" + optionIndex1 + ' span.gf_swatch[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("click", { bubbles: !0, }) )); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } // Theme: Kalles v4.2.0 official try { null != document.querySelector( '.t4s-swatch .t4s-swatch__option[data-id="' + optionIndex + '"] .t4s-swatch__item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.t4s-swatch .t4s-swatch__option[data-id="' + optionIndex + '"] .t4s-swatch__item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), null != document.querySelector( '.t4s-swatch .t4s-swatch__option[data-id="' + optionIndex1 + '"] .t4s-swatch__item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.t4s-swatch .t4s-swatch__option[data-id="' + optionIndex1 + '"] .t4s-swatch__item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(), null != document.querySelector( '.t4s-swatch .t4s-swatch__option[data-id="' + optionIndex2 + '"] .t4s-swatch__item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.t4s-swatch .t4s-swatch__option[data-id="' + optionIndex2 + '"] .t4s-swatch__item[data-value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); 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} catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( "select#single-option-selector-" + optionIndex ) && (document.querySelector( "select#single-option-selector-" + optionIndex ).value = optionValueChecked); try { null != document.querySelector( '.option label.option-label .option-input[name="option-' + optionIndex + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( '.option label.option-label .option-input[name="option-' + optionIndex + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( 'variant-picker .popover__value-list label input[value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'variant-picker .popover__value-list label input[value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } try { null != document.querySelector( 'variant-picker .product-form__option-selector .block-swatch input[name="option' + optionIndex + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) && document .querySelector( 'variant-picker .product-form__option-selector .block-swatch input[name="option' + optionIndex + '"][value="' + O + '"]' ) .click(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } null != document.querySelector( '.variant-input input[value="' + O + '"][data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) && (document .querySelector( '.variant-input input[value="' + O + '"][data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) .click(), setTimeout(function () { document .querySelector( '.variant-input input[value="' + O + '"][data-index="option' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) .dispatchEvent( new Event("change", { bubbles: !0, }) ); }, 300)); }, 300), null != document.querySelector( '.avis--option-selector[data-option-number="' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ) && (document.querySelector( '.globo--option-selector[data-option-number="' + optionIndex1 + '"]' ).value = optionValueChecked), (elemOptionValue .closest(".avis-swatch-option") .querySelector(".avis-option-value").innerHTML = ": " + optionValueChecked); let elemLi = elemOptionValue.closest( ".avis-option-value-item" ); let valueSelected = optionValueChecked; if (elemLi) { let elemSwatchDropdow = elemLi.querySelector( ".avis-swatch-value-label" ); 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}), dataOptionApp.appConfig.sort_option) ) !(function (t) { var o = "avis-out-of-stock", r = document.querySelectorAll( `.${classContainer} .avis-swatch-option` ); r.length > 1 && document .querySelectorAll( `.${classContainer} .avis-swatch-option:not([data-option-index="` + t + '"]) input[type="radio"]' ) .forEach(function (t) { t.parentElement.classList.add(o); }), r.forEach(function (t, c) { c = t.getAttribute("data-option-index"); var n, u = null === (n = t.querySelector( 'input[type="radio"]:checked' )) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.value; void 0 !== u && r.forEach(function (t, r) { r = t.getAttribute("data-option-index"); c !== r && t .querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]') .forEach(function (t, n) { for ( var l = !1, a = 0, d = e.length; a < d; a++ ) { var i = e[a]; !1 !== i.available && i.options[c] == u && i.options[r] == t.value && (l = !0); } !1 === l ? t.parentElement.classList.contains( "select-option--dropdown" ) || t.parentElement.classList.add(o) : t.parentElement.classList.remove(o); }); }); }); })(optionIndex); else { elemOptionValue .closest(`.${classContainer}`) .querySelectorAll(".avis-swatch-option") .forEach(function (t) { var e, o = t.getAttribute("data-option-index"); l[o] = null === (e = t.querySelector( 'input[type="radio"]:checked' )) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.value; }); try { 3 == l.length ? ((o = l[0]), (n = l[1]), (u = l[2])) : 2 == I.length ? ((o = l[0]), (n = l[1]), (u = null)) : 1 == l.length && ((o = l[0]), (n = null), (u = null)); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } dataOptionApp.product.variants.forEach(function (t) { t.option1 === o && t.option2 === n && t.option3 === u && t; }), toggleOutOfStocks(l); } setTimeout(function () { var e, o, c = null === (e = elemOptionValue.closest( 'form[action*="/cart/add"]' )) || void 0 === e || null === (o = e.querySelector('[name="id"]')) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.value; if (!c) { e = document.querySelector(AvisStyleOptions.formAddToCart.join(',')); if (e) o = e.querySelector('[name="id"]'); if (o) c = o.value; } (dataOptionApp.curVariant = dataOptionApp.product.variants.find(function (t) { return == c; })), document .querySelectorAll( ".avis-swatch-detail-lists-price li" ) .forEach(function (t) { if (t.getAttribute("data-value") === c) { var e, o = document.querySelector( '.avis-swatch-detail-lists-price li[data-value="' + Object( styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter )(c) + '"] .avis-li-price' ).innerHTML, n = null === (e = document.querySelector( '.avis-swatch-detail-lists-price li[data-value="' + Object( styleOptions.removeSpecialCharacter )(c) + '"] .avis-li-compareprice' )) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.innerHTML; (document.querySelector( `.${classContainer} .avis-cs-product_price` ).innerHTML = o), (document.querySelector( `.${classContainer} .avis-cs-product_oldprice` ).innerHTML = void 0 !== n ? n : ""); } }); }, 600); var B = dataOptionApp.stock; (("enable" == B && "product" == || (1 == B && "product" == && setTimeout(function () { var e, o, r = null === (e = a.closest('form[action*="/cart/add"]')) || void 0 === e || null === (o = e.querySelector('[name="id"]')) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.value; void 0 !== r && void 0 !== dataOptionApp.product.variants.find(function (t) { return == r; }) && null !== document.querySelector( ".avis-number-stock-variant" ) && 1 == s && (document.querySelector( ".avis-number-stock-variant" ).innerHTML = dataOptionApp.stock_message.replace( "{number}", dataOptionApp.product.variants.find(function (t) { return == r; }).inventory_quantity )); }, 600), document.querySelectorAll(".pf-variant-select") .length && document .querySelector(".pf-variant-select") .dispatchEvent(new Event("change")), (function () { ("undefined" != typeof DoublyGlobalCurrency && document.querySelectorAll( "select.currency-switcher" ).length && DoublyGlobalCurrency.convertAll( document.querySelector("select.currency-switcher") .value ), "undefined" != typeof conversionBearAutoCurrencyConverter && "function" == typeof conversionBearAutoCurrencyConverter.convertPricesOnPage && conversionBearAutoCurrencyConverter.convertPricesOnPage(), document.querySelectorAll('[name="currencies"]') .length && "undefined" != typeof Currency && void 0 !== Currency.convertAll && Currency.convertAll( window.shopCurrency, document.querySelector("[name=currencies]").value ), document.querySelectorAll(".CurrencySelector__Select") .length && "this.form.submit()" != document .querySelector(".CurrencySelector__Select") .getAttribute("onchange")) && document .querySelectorAll(".CurrencySelector__Select") .forEach(function (e) { // dataOptionApp.dispatchCustomEvent(e, "change") }); (("undefined" != typeof Currency && void 0 !== Currency.moneyFormats) || ("undefined" != typeof ACSCurrency && void 0 !== ACSCurrency.moneyFormats)) && "undefined" != typeof mlvedaload && mlvedaload(), "undefined" != typeof BOLD && void 0 !== BOLD.common && void 0 !== BOLD.common.eventEmitter && BOLD.common.eventEmitter.emit( "BOLD_CURRENCY_double_check" ); })(), (d = document.createEvent("Event")).initEvent( "avis_change_variant_product_detail", !0, !0 ), document.dispatchEvent(d); }); }); })(), dataOptionApp.group_image && dataOptionApp.cur_locale == dataOptionApp.locale && document .querySelectorAll( `.${classContainer} .avis-variant-color-detail input[type="radio"]` ) .forEach(function (e) { e.addEventListener("change", function (o) { for ( var r = e.value, c = 0; c < dataOptionApp.selectors.productThumbnailsImageSelector .length; c++ ) document .querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors .productThumbnailsImageSelector[c] ) .forEach(function (t) { var e = t.getAttribute("data-color"); r == e ? t.classList.remove("avis-sw-media--hide") : t.classList.add("avis-sw-media--hide"), "AllColors" == t.getAttribute("data-color") && t.classList.remove("avis-sw-media--hide"); }); document.querySelectorAll( ".product-single__thumbnails.slick-initialized" ).length && window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("colorChange", { detail: { color: r, }, }) ), document.querySelectorAll( "#product-thumbnails-product-template .thumbnails.slick-initialized" ).length && window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("colorChangeFaster", { detail: { color: r, }, }) ); }); }); } }; async function renderListPrice(product) { let html = ""; for (let variant of product.variants) html += `
  • ${styleOptions.formatMoney( variant.price, true, true )} ${ variant.compare_at_price > variant.price ? "" + styleOptions.formatMoney(variant.compare_at_price, true, true) + "" : "" }
  • `; return html; } async function renderOptionValue( option, displayStyle, class_stylesoldout, product, option_index_name, option_index, curVariant, displayStyleSwatch, configs, designId, isShowPrice = false, optionName, optionsConfig ) { var resultHtml = ""; option.values.forEach((value) => { let available = false; let variant_for_value = false; for (let variant of product.variants) { if (variant[option_index_name] == value) { variant_for_value = variant; if (variant.available) available = true; break; } } let labelHtml = ""; let enableTooltip = configs.enableTooltip && displayStyle === "swatch"; let valueId = `${ configs.isQuickview ? "quick-view-" : configs.isFeatured ? "featured-product-" : "" }avis-option-value-item-${}-${ option.position }-${option_index}`; let htmlPrice = ""; if (isShowPrice) { htmlPrice = `${ variant_for_value ? " (" + styleOptions.formatMoney( variant_for_value.price, true, true ) + ")" : "" }`; } if (displayStyle == "swatch") { let image_size = "150x"; let background_size_image = "cover"; if (displayStyleSwatch == "variant") { let cur_image_swatch = false; if ( variant_for_value && variant_for_value.featured_image && variant_for_value.featured_image.src ) { cur_image_swatch = variant_for_value.featured_image.src; } if (designId && designId.indexOf("swatch_button") > -1) { labelHtml = ``; } else if (designId && designId.indexOf("swatch_dropdown") > -1) { labelHtml = ``; } else if (designId && designId.indexOf("swatch_price") > -1) { labelHtml = ``; } else { labelHtml = ``; } } else { let option_value = `${optionName}-${value}`; if (optionsConfig.is_locale) { let findIndex = optionsConfig.product_locale.options.findIndex(x => ===; if (findIndex > -1) { let optionOrg = optionsConfig.product_org?.options[findIndex]; let findIndexValue = optionsConfig.product_locale.options[findIndex].optionValues.findIndex(x => === value); if (findIndexValue > -1) { let valueTemp = optionOrg.optionValues[findIndexValue].name; option_value = `${optionName}-${valueTemp}`; } } } if ( window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "74257891645" && optionName === "Inlay" ) { let valueByLangList = AvisOptionsConfig.list_language_values.filter((x) => x.includes(value) ); if ( valueByLangList.length > 0 && valueByLangList[0]?.length > 0 ) { option_value = `${optionName}-${valueByLangList[0][0]}`; } } let bgImage = false; let color = false; let color2 = false; let isImageUrl = false; if ( configs.getListPriorityImageUrl[option_value] && configs.displayColorsImageUrl[option_value] ) { bgImage = configs.displayColorsImageUrl[option_value]; isImageUrl = true; } if ( bgImage == false && configs.getListPriorityImageFile[option_value] && configs.displayColorsImage[option_value] ) { bgImage = configs.displayColorsImage[option_value]; } if ( bgImage == false && configs.displayColorsImageUrl[option_value] ) { bgImage = configs.displayColorsImageUrl[option_value]; isImageUrl = true; } if ( bgImage == false && configs.displayColorsImage[option_value] ) { bgImage = configs.displayColorsImage[option_value]; } if (color == false && configs.displayColors[option_value]) { color = configs.displayColors[option_value]; } if (color2 == false && configs.displayColors2[option_value]) { color2 = configs.displayColors2[option_value]; } if (color || color2) { if (configs.getListPriorityColor[option_value]) { if (bgImage) { if ( (!isImageUrl && configs.getListPriorityImageFile[option_value]) || (isImageUrl && configs.getListPriorityImageUrl[option_value]) ) { } else bgImage = false; } } } if (designId && designId.indexOf("swatch_button") > -1) { labelHtml = ``; } else if (designId && designId.indexOf("swatch_dropdown") > -1) { labelHtml = ``; } else if (designId && designId.indexOf("swatch_price") > -1) { labelHtml = ``; } else { labelHtml = ``; } } } else if (displayStyle == "dropdownlist") { labelHtml = ``; } else { labelHtml = ``; } let mediaId = variant_for_value?.featured_media?.id; if (!mediaId) mediaId = ""; resultHtml += `
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    ${value} ${htmlPrice}
    `; } } else { htmlDropdownValueDefault = `
    ${value} ${htmlPrice}
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    `; } else { contentOptionHtml = ``; } let isShowOptionName = configs.isOptionname; let currentTitle = ` ${curVariant[option_index_name]} ${htmlPriceCurrent} `; html += `
    `; index = index + 1; } return html; } var renderOptionHtml = async function (optionsConfig) { let product = optionsConfig.product; let alignContent = optionsConfig.configs.align_content; let class_alignContent = alignContent ? `avis-align-content-${alignContent}` : ""; let html = `
    ${await renderOptions( optionsConfig.options_with_values, optionsConfig.configs, optionsConfig.curVariant, product, optionsConfig )}
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"1" : "0.3"; // Create btn Next const nextBtn = document.createElement("button"); nextBtn.innerHTML = ""; nextBtn.classList.add("nextBtn"); = "10px"; // Khoảng cách giữa ul và nút = currentScroll + ulWidth < totalLiWidth ? "1" : "0.3"; // append btn in container container.insertBefore(prevBtn, ulElement); container.appendChild(nextBtn); // Conditional logic for btn "Next" nextBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { if (currentScroll + ulWidth < totalLiWidth) { currentScroll += scrollAmount; ulElement.scrollTo({ left: currentScroll, behavior: "smooth", }); } = currentScroll > 0 ? "1" : "0.3"; = currentScroll + ulWidth < totalLiWidth ? "1" : "0.3"; }); // Conditional logic for btn "Previous" prevBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { if (currentScroll > 0) { currentScroll -= scrollAmount; ulElement.scrollTo({ left: currentScroll, behavior: "smooth", }); } = currentScroll > 0 ? "1" : "0.3"; = currentScroll + ulWidth < totalLiWidth ? "1" : "0.3"; }); } }); } var renderOptionWrapperHtml = async function (configOptions) { let currentLocale = AvisStyleOptions?.locale; if (!currentLocale) currentLocale = Shopify.locale; if (window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.storefront_connect && currentLocale !== window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.primary_locale) { let queryLocale = await apoFunction.queryProductInfo(currentLocale, []); let query = await apoFunction.queryProductInfo(window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.primary_locale ?? "EN", []); let configLocale = await Promise.all([apoFunction.fetchStoreFront(query), apoFunction.fetchStoreFront(queryLocale)]).then((result) => { console.log(result); return result }) .catch((error) => { console.log(`Error in promises ${error}`); return null; }); if (configLocale?.length > 1) { let productOrg = configLocale[0]?.data?.nodes?.length ? configLocale[0]?.data?.nodes[0] : null; let productLocale = configLocale[1]?.data?.nodes?.length ? configLocale[1]?.data?.nodes[0] : null; if (productOrg && productLocale) { configOptions["product_org"] = productOrg; configOptions["product_locale"] = productLocale; configOptions["primary_locale"] = window.apoOptionLocales?.config?.primary_locale; configOptions["locale"] = currentLocale; configOptions["is_locale"] = true; } } } var htmlVariants = await renderOptionHtml(configOptions); if ( null != document.querySelector(`.${classSwatchProductPageContainer} `) ) { let avisContainer = document.querySelectorAll( `.${classSwatchProductPageContainer} ` ); avisContainer.forEach(function (t) { t.innerHTML = htmlVariants; let labelAvisShopifyOptions = t?.querySelectorAll("label.avis-shopify-option"); if (labelAvisShopifyOptions?.length > 0) { labelAvisShopifyOptions.forEach((itemLabel) => { hoverTooltip(itemLabel); }); } }); if (window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "59881980002") { addBtnSlider(); } // document.querySelector(`.${classSwatchProductPageContainer} `).innerHTML = htmlVariants, document.querySelector("body").classList.add("avis-swatch-app"); var eventLoaded = new Event(""); window.dispatchEvent(eventLoaded); } }; let productIdsApply = false; let productIdsString = JSON.stringify( AvisStyleOptions.product_ids_option ); let productIds = JSON.parse(productIdsString); if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "ADVANCED") { if (window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "60063187116") { productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, 3000); } else productIdsApply = false; } else if (AvisOptionsData?.limit_product) { let limitProduct = AvisOptionsData.limit_product.split(":"); if (limitProduct.length > 1) { productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, parseInt(limitProduct[1])); if (window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "50877137076") { productIdsApply.push("9213954064713"); } } } else if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "FREE") { productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, 10); } else if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "BASIC") { productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, 50); } else if (AvisStyleOptions.plan === "ADVANCED") { //productIdsApply = productIds.splice(0, 3000); } if ( "product" === && (!productIdsApply || productIdsApply.includes(String( ) { var optionsApp = dataOptionApp.style_options; var getListKeyStyle = styleOptions.getListKeyStyle(optionsApp), getListKeyStyleSwatch = styleOptions.getListKeyStyleSwatch(optionsApp), getListColors = styleOptions.getListColors(optionsApp), getListColors2 = styleOptions.getListColors2(optionsApp), getListColorImage = styleOptions.getListColorImage(optionsApp), getListColorImageUrl = styleOptions.getListColorImageUrl(optionsApp), getListPriorityColor = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_color" ), getListPriorityImageFile = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_image_file" ), getListPriorityImageUrl = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_image_url" ), getListOrderOptions = styleOptions.getListOrderOptions(optionsApp), getListDesignId = styleOptions.getListDesignId(optionsApp); "index" === && void 0 !== window.curVariant && void 0 !== window.featuredProduct && "undefined" != window.options_with_values && "undefined" != window.has_only_default_variant && ((dataOptionApp.curVariant = window.curVariant), (dataOptionApp.product = window.featuredProduct), (dataOptionApp.options_with_values = window.options_with_values), (dataOptionApp.has_only_default_variant = window.has_only_default_variant)); // let isOptionTitleDefault = // dataOptionApp.options_with_values && // dataOptionApp.options_with_values.length === 1 && // dataOptionApp.options_with_values[0].name === "Title" && // dataOptionApp.options_with_values[0].values && // dataOptionApp.options_with_values[0].values.length === 1 && // dataOptionApp.options_with_values[0].values[0] === "Default Title"; // if (isOptionTitleDefault) return; if (dataOptionApp.has_only_default_variant) return; if (!dataOptionApp.curVariant) { dataOptionApp.curVariant = dataOptionApp.product?.variants[0]; } let configOptions = { product: dataOptionApp.product, curVariant: dataOptionApp.curVariant, options_with_values: dataOptionApp.options_with_values, has_only_default_variant: dataOptionApp.has_only_default_variant, configs: { designIds: getListDesignId, displayStyles: getListKeyStyle, displayStyleSwatchs: getListKeyStyleSwatch, displayColors: getListColors, displayColors2: getListColors2, displayColorsImage: getListColorImage, displayColorsImageUrl: getListColorImageUrl, getListPriorityColor: getListPriorityColor, getListPriorityImageFile: getListPriorityImageFile, getListPriorityImageUrl: getListPriorityImageUrl, // displaySelectType: getListSelectType, style_product_page_swatch: dataOptionApp.style_product_page_swatch, style_product_page_button: dataOptionApp.style_product_page_button, align_content: dataOptionApp.align_content_detail, showNumberStock: dataOptionApp.stock, styleSoldout: dataOptionApp.out_of_stock, enableMandatory: dataOptionApp.enable_mandatory, enableTooltip: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_show_tooltip_product, enableTooltipImage: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.tooltip_product_image, isOptionname: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting.s_show_option_name_product, image_width: dataOptionApp.image_width, image_height: dataOptionApp.image_height, background_size: dataOptionApp.background_size, cur_locale: dataOptionApp.cur_locale, locale: dataOptionApp.locale, txtSelectAnOption: dataOptionApp.select_an_option, sortOption: dataOptionApp.appConfig.sort_option ?? false, current_variant: dataOptionApp.curVariant, listOrderOptions: getListOrderOptions, show_one_variant: dataOptionApp.show_one_variant_product, stock_message: dataOptionApp.stock_message, }, }; setTimeout(async function () { createVariantContainer(), await renderOptionWrapperHtml(configOptions), await hideShopifyVariants(), setTimeout(async function () { await binEventDropDownList(); }, 300), //a(), await showStock(dataOptionApp.curVariant), (dataOptionApp.product.variants.length > 1 || (1 == dataOptionApp.product.variants.length && "Default Title" != dataOptionApp.product.variants[0].title)) && (await binEventOptionVariants(dataOptionApp.product.variants)); }, 300); } // Show on quickview collection page [avis_quickview] function renderOptionForQuickView() { var classSwatchProductPageQuckviewContainer = "avis-swatch-product-quickview-container"; // Get all product in collection by href (has products url) var productElementList = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors.quickViewCollectionHref ) ) .filter(function (item) { return ( item.href .substring(item.href.lastIndexOf("/")) .replace("/", "") .split("?")[0] .indexOf(".") === -1 ); }) .map(function (item) { var productHandle = item.href .substring(item.href.lastIndexOf("/")) .replace("/", "") .split("?")[0]; return fetch(`${linkHttp}products/${productHandle}.js`) .then(function (product) { return product.json(); }) .then(function (product) { return { element: item, product: product, }; }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("Error:", error); }); }); Promise.all(productElementList).then(async function (productElements) { var optionsApp = dataOptionApp.style_options; var getListKeyStyle = styleOptions.getListKeyStyle(optionsApp), getListKeyStyleSwatch = styleOptions.getListKeyStyleSwatch(optionsApp), getListColors = styleOptions.getListColors(optionsApp), getListColors2 = styleOptions.getListColors2(optionsApp), getListColorImage = styleOptions.getListColorImage(optionsApp), getListColorImageUrl = styleOptions.getListColorImageUrl(optionsApp), getListPriorityColor = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_color" ), getListPriorityImageFile = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_image_file" ), getListPriorityImageUrl = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_image_url" ), getListOrderOptions = styleOptions.getListOrderOptions(optionsApp), getListDesignId = styleOptions.getListDesignId(optionsApp); if (dataOptionApp.cur_locale != dataOptionApp.locale) { return; } const renderOptionProducts = async function () { await Promise.all( function (productElement) { if (productElement) { if ( !productIdsApply || productIdsApply.includes(String( ) { dataOptionApp.product = productElement.product; dataOptionApp.curVariant = productElement.product.variants.length > 0 ? productElement.product.variants[0] : null; dataOptionApp.options_with_values = productElement.product.options; let configOptions = { product: productElement.product, curVariant: productElement.product.variants.length > 0 ? productElement.product.variants[0] : null, options_with_values: productElement.product.options, has_only_default_variant: dataOptionApp.has_only_default_variant, configs: { designIds: getListDesignId, displayStyles: getListKeyStyle, displayStyleSwatchs: getListKeyStyleSwatch, displayColors: getListColors, displayColors2: getListColors2, displayColorsImage: getListColorImage, displayColorsImageUrl: getListColorImageUrl, getListPriorityColor: getListPriorityColor, getListPriorityImageFile: getListPriorityImageFile, getListPriorityImageUrl: getListPriorityImageUrl, style_product_page_swatch: dataOptionApp.style_product_page_swatch, style_product_page_button: dataOptionApp.style_product_page_button, align_content: dataOptionApp.align_content_detail, showNumberStock: dataOptionApp.stock, styleSoldout: dataOptionApp.out_of_stock, enableMandatory: dataOptionApp.enable_mandatory, enableTooltip: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting .s_show_tooltip_product, isOptionname: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting .s_show_option_name_product, image_width: dataOptionApp.image_width, image_height: dataOptionApp.image_height, background_size: dataOptionApp.background_size, cur_locale: dataOptionApp.cur_locale, locale: dataOptionApp.locale, sortOption: dataOptionApp.appConfig.sort_option ?? false, current_variant: dataOptionApp.curVariant, listOrderOptions: getListOrderOptions, show_one_variant: dataOptionApp.show_one_variant_product, stock_message: dataOptionApp.stock_message, isQuickview: true, isFeatured: false, }, }; var htmlVariants = await renderOptionHtml(configOptions); if ( null != productElement.element.closest( dataOptionApp.selectors.quickViewproductCollectionItem ) && null == productElement.element .closest( dataOptionApp.selectors .quickViewproductCollectionItem ) .querySelector( `.${classSwatchProductPageQuckviewContainer}` ) ) { let classSwatchProductPageContainerQuickview = `${classSwatchProductPageQuckviewContainer}-${}`; // Remove all html collection gen document .querySelectorAll( `.${classSwatchProductPageContainerQuickview}` ) .forEach(function (t) { return t.remove(); }); var elemQuickviewContainer = document.createElement("div"); elemQuickviewContainer.classList.add( classSwatchProductPageContainer ); elemQuickviewContainer.classList.add( classSwatchProductPageContainerQuickview ); elemQuickviewContainer.innerHTML = htmlVariants; let productInfoElem = productElement.element.closest( dataOptionApp.selectors.quickViewproductCollectionItem ); let selectorVariants = productInfoElem?.querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors.quickViewproductSelectOption ); if (productInfoElem && selectorVariants?.length > 0) { selectorVariants.forEach(function (t) { const clone = elemQuickviewContainer.cloneNode(true); t.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, t); = "none"; }); setTimeout(async function () { await binEventDropDownList( classSwatchProductPageContainerQuickview ); }, 300); await showStock(configOptions.curVariant); (dataOptionApp.product.variants.length > 1 || (1 == dataOptionApp.product.variants.length && "Default Title" != dataOptionApp.product.variants[0].title)) && (await binEventOptionVariants( dataOptionApp.product.variants, classSwatchProductPageContainerQuickview )); } else { console.log("Not found quickview key!") } } } } }) ); }; await renderOptionProducts(); }); } // Show on feature page [avis_featured] function renderShopifyOptionForFeatured() { var classSwatchProductPageFeaturedContainer = "avis-swatch-product-featured-container"; let featureProductUrlBlock = AvisOptionsConfig?.featured_product_url_block; let featureProductBlock = AvisOptionsConfig?.featured_product; let featureProductVariantsBlock = AvisOptionsConfig?.featured_product_variant; var productElementFeatureList = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( featureProductUrlBlock.join(",") ) ) .filter(item => item?.getAttribute("data-url")) .map(function (item) { var productHandle = item.getAttribute("data-url") .substring(item.getAttribute("data-url").lastIndexOf("/")) .replace("/", "") .split("?")[0]; return fetch(`${linkHttp}products/${productHandle}.js`) .then(function (product) { return product.json(); }) .then(function (product) { return { element: item, product: product, }; }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("Error:", error); }); }); Promise.all(productElementFeatureList).then(async function (productElements) { var optionsApp = dataOptionApp.style_options; var getListKeyStyle = styleOptions.getListKeyStyle(optionsApp), getListKeyStyleSwatch = styleOptions.getListKeyStyleSwatch(optionsApp), getListColors = styleOptions.getListColors(optionsApp), getListColors2 = styleOptions.getListColors2(optionsApp), getListColorImage = styleOptions.getListColorImage(optionsApp), getListColorImageUrl = styleOptions.getListColorImageUrl(optionsApp), getListPriorityColor = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_color" ), getListPriorityImageFile = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_image_file" ), getListPriorityImageUrl = styleOptions.getListPriority( optionsApp, "is_priority_image_url" ), getListOrderOptions = styleOptions.getListOrderOptions(optionsApp), getListDesignId = styleOptions.getListDesignId(optionsApp); if (dataOptionApp.cur_locale != dataOptionApp.locale) { return; } const renderOptionProducts = async function () { await Promise.all( function (productElement) { if (productElement) { if ( !productIdsApply || productIdsApply.includes(String( ) { dataOptionApp.product = productElement.product; dataOptionApp.curVariant = productElement.product.variants.length > 0 ? productElement.product.variants[0] : null; dataOptionApp.options_with_values = productElement.product.options; let configOptions = { product: productElement.product, curVariant: productElement.product.variants.length > 0 ? productElement.product.variants[0] : null, options_with_values: productElement.product.options, has_only_default_variant: dataOptionApp.has_only_default_variant, configs: { designIds: getListDesignId, displayStyles: getListKeyStyle, displayStyleSwatchs: getListKeyStyleSwatch, displayColors: getListColors, displayColors2: getListColors2, displayColorsImage: getListColorImage, displayColorsImageUrl: getListColorImageUrl, getListPriorityColor: getListPriorityColor, getListPriorityImageFile: getListPriorityImageFile, getListPriorityImageUrl: getListPriorityImageUrl, style_product_page_swatch: dataOptionApp.style_product_page_swatch, style_product_page_button: dataOptionApp.style_product_page_button, align_content: dataOptionApp.align_content_detail, showNumberStock: dataOptionApp.stock, styleSoldout: dataOptionApp.out_of_stock, enableMandatory: dataOptionApp.enable_mandatory, enableTooltip: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting .s_show_tooltip_product, isOptionname: dataOptionApp.appConfig.setting .s_show_option_name_product, image_width: dataOptionApp.image_width, image_height: dataOptionApp.image_height, background_size: dataOptionApp.background_size, cur_locale: dataOptionApp.cur_locale, locale: dataOptionApp.locale, sortOption: dataOptionApp.appConfig.sort_option ?? false, current_variant: dataOptionApp.curVariant, listOrderOptions: getListOrderOptions, show_one_variant: dataOptionApp.show_one_variant_product, stock_message: dataOptionApp.stock_message, isQuickview: false, isFeatured: true, }, }; var htmlVariants = await renderOptionHtml(configOptions); let featureBlock = productElement.element.closest(featureProductBlock.join(",")); if (featureBlock && !featureBlock.querySelector(`.${classSwatchProductPageFeaturedContainer}`)) { let classSwatchProductPageFeatured = `${classSwatchProductPageFeaturedContainer}-${}`; // Remove all html collection gen featureBlock.querySelectorAll( `.${classSwatchProductPageFeatured}` ) .forEach(function (t) { return t.remove(); }); var elemFeatureContainer = document.createElement("div"); elemFeatureContainer.classList.add(classSwatchProductPageContainer); elemFeatureContainer.classList.add(classSwatchProductPageFeatured); elemFeatureContainer.innerHTML = htmlVariants; let selectorVariants = featureBlock.querySelectorAll( featureProductVariantsBlock.join(",") ); selectorVariants.forEach(function (t) { const clone = elemFeatureContainer.cloneNode(true); t.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, t); = "none"; }); setTimeout(async function () { await binEventDropDownList( classSwatchProductPageFeatured ); }, 300); await showStock(configOptions.curVariant); (dataOptionApp.product.variants.length > 1 || (1 == dataOptionApp.product.variants.length && "Default Title" != dataOptionApp.product.variants[0].title)) && (await binEventOptionVariants( dataOptionApp.product.variants, classSwatchProductPageFeatured )); } else { console.log("Not found featured product key!") } } } }) ); }; await renderOptionProducts(); }); } if (optionsSwatchConfig?.appConfig?.setting?.s_show_featured_product && AvisStyleOptions.plan !== "OLD" && AvisStyleOptions.plan !== "FREE" ) { renderShopifyOptionForFeatured(); } if (optionsSwatchConfig?.appConfig?.setting?.s_show_quickview && AvisStyleOptions.plan !== "OLD" && AvisStyleOptions.plan !== "FREE" ) { let intervalCheckQuickview = setInterval(function () { if ( document.querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors.quickViewButtonSubmit ).length > 0 ) { clearInterval(intervalCheckQuickview); document .querySelectorAll(dataOptionApp.selectors.quickViewButtonSubmit) .forEach(function (elem) { elem.addEventListener("click", function (event) { let interval = setInterval(() => { if ( document.querySelectorAll( dataOptionApp.selectors.quickViewModal ).length > 0 ) { clearInterval(interval); renderOptionForQuickView(); } else { console.log("Not found quickview button key!"); } }, 300); }); }); } }, 300); if (window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id === "86459449671") { setInterval(function(){ let linkQuickview = document.querySelector(".hotspot__modal variant-selection:not(.quickview-avis)"); if (linkQuickview) { linkQuickview.classList.add("quickview-avis"); renderOptionForQuickView(); } }, 200); } } } } } if (window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id) { apoStyleProduct(); } else { let index = 0; let interAvisProduct = setInterval(function(){ index++; if (window.ap_front_settings?.shop_id) { clearInterval(interAvisProduct); apoStyleProduct(); } if (index > 1000) { clearInterval(interAvisProduct); } }, 200); }